The Aftermath

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Eventually we pulled away from the kiss, resting our foreheads together, neither of us able to stop our smiles.

"Effort." Leah smiled, referencing the word that had become so prominent in our relationship.
"Le, you aren't with someone, are you?" I questioned myself, now worried that I had just kissed someone's girlfriend.
"No, I'm not with anyone." She smiled.
"Can we get out of here?"
"Always, Soph. I always want to be wherever you are."

Leah and I parted to say goodbye to our groups, finding each other again at the double doors that led to the exit. With it being New Year's Eve, finding a taxi was difficult. Eventually, Leah managed to secure us an Uber, but it was almost 20 minutes away. Her narrow frame began to shake as we sat on the steps outside the building. I removed my blazer, wrapping it around her shoulders and pulling her into me, letting her absorb any body heat that I had left.

"Who's house are we going to?" Leah asked.
"I hadn't thought about that. Probably easier to go to mine; I live closer to here than you."
"Sounds good to me, anywhere with heat right now. Type your address into Uber - here." She said, her teeth clattering together as she handed me her phone.

As if the driver had heard her, he suddenly appeared at the side of the road. I stood up, holding my hand out for Leah, and led her to the back of the taxi. I climbed in beside her, her hand immediately finding mine and locking our fingers together.

We entered my house 15 minutes later, Leah's teeth still making the main noise as they vibrated. Our hands were still intertwined as she followed me upstairs to my bedroom. Leah stood awkwardly beside the bed as I began lifting clothes out for her to wear. She looked at the clothes, back at my face, and then at the clothes again, making both of us laugh at her awkwardness.

"Bathrooms next door. Use whatever you need."

While Leah was away, I took the opportunity to change into my joggers and a T-shirt. On nights as cold as tonight, I was glad that I had installed the heating system, which meant my house always stayed at a set temperature. When Leah returned, I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take off my make-up, placing my hair into a messy bun.

I gently opened the bedroom door, laughing slightly as Leah stood leaning against my bedroom window.

"You can get in, you know." I whispered.
"I didn't want to overstep the mark."

I climbed from the end of the bed to the pillows, pulling back the covers and slipping under the duvet at my side of the bed. The side of the bed I slept on when we were together. I pulled back the covers for Leah, who was now standing at the edge of my bed. She sat on the edge, making me question if I should offer her separate rooms.

"Le, I have a spare room if you'd be more comfortable." I said softly.
"I want to sleep beside you. I'm just scared." Leah sighed.

I shifted behind her, putting my arms around her waist and kissing her cheek. She placed her hands on top of mine, leaning her head towards my lips to feel them against her cheek once more.

"What're you scared of, Le?"
"What about tomorrow?"
"I don't think I can lose you again, Soph."
"Then there is no need to be scared of tomorrow; I'll still be right here."

I felt Leah's body relax at the sound of my words as she began to move her head towards the pillow. I moved back to my own side to give her room to manoeuvre, smiling at her as her eyes found mine again.

My hand found her hair, gently stroking it from her forehead back, her eyes closing at the feeling.

"I should never have let you walk away that night, Soph."
"I should never have let you walk away that day."

A Storm Is BrewingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz