End of an Era

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"So you want to send Paula, who just recently qualified, to set up other offices in different countries?" Fuck, she doesn't sound pleased.
"Yes, Lorraine. That is what I'm proposing, but if you -"
"Do you believe she's capable?" She interrupted.
"Yes. I wouldn't put you at risk of failure if I thought it were a possibility."
"Let's do it then. How soon can she come?"
"Really?" I questioned.
"I respect that you took a risk, Sophie. I respect that you put your own personal dreams above your career aspirations. It shows me that you won't follow through on anything that you aren't sure about. So if you believe Paula is the right person for the job, then let's get her briefed and sent across as soon as possible." She smiled.

Paula was all too happy to oblige, I'm pretty sure she would've flown out on the same day if she could. Amanda and I left the meeting with Lorraine in high spirits, both returning to our homes. Leah returned home shortly after me, and the noise of her car door closing still gave me the butterflies that it always had. I went to greet her, excited to tell her about today's meeting, but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw her red eyes.

"Hi Soph, how did today go?" She smiled, trying to hide her upset.
"It was fine. What's happened?"
"We got some news today, that's all." Her lip quivered.
"What news, Le?" I asked, taking her into my arms.
"Jordan's leaving. Not even just on a loan, she's leaving forever."

Jordan—where do I start with Jordan? When Leah and I first began talking, a few of my friends from home had told me about wobbs. It was a fan theory that Leah and Jordan had been in a relationship but had broken up at some point along the way. Leah didn't ever formally tell me about them, but I always knew how much Jordan meant to her. I have never been one to want to know about my partner's relationship history; I think it only leaves room for jealousy and paranoia to set in, so I didn't ask the questions that most people would've expected me to. I suppose part of me felt sorry for them both. Whether they had been together or hadn't been, their fanbase scrutinised every last detail, from Instagram posts to the clothing they had worn. What was important to me was that I trusted Leah, her devotion to me, and her morals that surrounded being with one person at a time. I knew she loved me, and I didn't feel the need to ask if she had ever loved Jordan in that way. What we had spoken about, though, was Leah's passionate belief that Jordan had been one of the players to suffer the most through the cruelty of football, or sports in general. Two knee injuries had seen her miss two major tournaments with the Lionesses, and not long after the Euros, she had managed to secure a call-up but picked up a minor injury and had to be removed from the squad again. Her minutes became more managed than any other player's. It wasn't hard to see the heartbreak that this had left in Jordan's eyes, the impact of it on her mental health, and her belief that maybe her career was all but over. A move made sense, but it didn't make it hurt any less for the people around her, especially Leah.

"Where is she going?"
"Villa. Not even that close. It's obviously not announced yet. I knew she was being considered for the transfer window, but I suppose I had thought that she was made for Arsenal." Leah spoke through her tears.
"She was made for Arsenal." I reassured her.
"Yeah. She was. I just don't understand at what point Arsenal stopped being made for her."

Leah didn't speak much the rest of the night, which I understood. Tomorrow would be a tough day as the deal was finalised and released to the public. As we lay in bed, she cuddled into my side and sighed before speaking.

"Soph, - you know tomorrow?"
"All that Leah and Jordan stuff will probably start again. You know - if I post about her or whatever. They'll say we might be back together and start scrutinising you and me. I won't post if you don't want me to, but I'd like to."

Here she goes, communicating again. She really won't risk this ever happening again.

"You don't need to ask my permission to post about someone that you have known a lot longer than me and that has been there from the beginning, Le. Let them come up with whatever theories they want; you and Jordan know what's true and what isn't. Isn't that all that matters?"
"And you?" Leah asked, looking up at me.
"And me?"
"You know that I love you? You know that the things they find to discuss are just things they'll twist to look a certain way?"
"I know you love me. And I know I love you. I also know that you love Jordan as a teammate and a friend, and I know how much it's hurting you. So you do what you need to do to channel those emotions, Le. I'm right behind you."
"I don't deserve you." She smiled, pushing her head towards my neck.

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