New Year's Party

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Making friends was something I always found difficult; I seemed to freeze in social situations. I avoided staff nights out like the plague, but the New Year's Eve party was one I knew I couldn't bail on. This time last year, I was just starting out with Leah, meaning that it had been a full year since I allowed myself to fall.

The New Year's Eve ball that our company had been invited to was apparently one of London's most prestigious events for those classed as important in London. I knew I had to make an effort, especially with my promotion in the firm that I had secured just before Christmas.

Rhys and I still weren't on good terms; we spent Christmas as a family and made the effort for our parents, but I still blamed him for the end of my relationship. With this in mind, I agreed to cut my holidays in Ireland short and fly back for the event.

Walking out the door to a taxi, I took one last look at myself in the reflection of the window. Dresses were never really my thing, so I went for a tailored suit, heels, and a bodysuit underneath. There had been a lot of talk in the office about a midnight kiss. I had wondered who mine would be in the lead-up to the event, but without Leah being involved in these scenarios, I found it impossible to imagine.

"Wowww, you look hot!" Paula shouted as I climbed into the taxi.
"Not too bad yourself, P." I smiled at her.

As we travelled to the venue, we discussed the talent that would be on display tonight. Paula and Georgie were hoping for an appearance from George Walter, a fellow solicitor that women seemed to lose all self-respect for. Natalie was hoping for an appearance from Laura Hunter, the same judge that I found myself distracted from my job around due to her charming nature. I opted not to tell the other two about our nearly something, not wanting word to spread that I was hung up on my ex.

Upon arrival, a meal was served before the drinks began to freely flow from the open bar. Paula and I were doing our famous dance routine that we had perfected in the office to Madonna's Like A Prayer. For the first time in a very long time, I felt the heaviness lift from my chest as I danced and sang with the people that had become my closest friends in London.

Shortly after 11:30 p.m., I felt a hand on my shoulder. I continued singing as I turned, only to be stopped dead in my tracks.

"Hello you!" The face smiled.
"Laura! Long time, no see." I smiled back.
"Yes, since the 18th of December. Am I that missable?" She winked. God, she is so attractive, though.
"Well, maybe I'm a little more intoxicated than I thought." I laughed back.
"Speaking of intoxicated, if I get you a drink, will you show me some more of those moves?" Laura said, hope in her voice.
"You've got a deal." What am I doing?

As I waited for Laura to come back from the busy bar, I decided to go to the toilet, knowing that the countdown would be coming soon and I'd probably be that person who needs to pee at 11:59. I bumped into Paula and George, looking cosy, on their way back from the smoking area, rolling my eyes playfully at her as I pushed open the door for the toilet.

As I fastened my trousers, I could hear a voice I recognised outside in the cubicle next to me. Surely not? I tried to listen more to the voice I was almost certain belonged to Leah.

"I think I'll lose connection closer to 12, so I just wanted to say Happy New Year. I love you." I heard her speak, my heart beating faster as I wondered if it was her new girl on the other end of the phone.
"Happy New Year, bubba. We love you and miss you. May this be a better year for you, LeLe." It's Amanda. Thank god, I was not ready for that heartbreak.

I quickly exited the toilet cubicle, searching for a soap dispenser that wasn't empty and washing my hands as quickly as possible. I waved my hands rapidly under the hairdryer, tapping my foot as I repeatedly glanced at the cubicle I knew Leah occupied. I needed to dry my hands before I left; it was New Year's Eve. Everyone was holding hands; I couldn't have slimy, wet ones. I certainly wasn't drying them on this suit either.

Once my hands were finally at an acceptable level of dryness, and I frantically headed for the door as I heard someone slide the latch on their cubicle door. In a panic, I pushed instead of pulling, delaying my exit and forcing a fuck sake out of my mouth.


My eyes closed, my heart skipped a beat, and my face became red as I stood still as a rock for a few seconds. It had been so long since I heard her say my name, and I really wished she'd said soph. I slowly turned around to see Leah's face smiling at me.

"Leah." I smiled, watching as she washed her hands.
"How have you been?"
"Yeah. Good, how about you?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Settling into London, then?"
"I guess you could say that, but I still don't understand why there aren't more fields." I joked, making her laugh as she removed her hands from under the dryer I had just used.
"How is your family?"
"They're good. Olivia got a phone for Christmas, so she FaceTimes me a lot."
"I think about her a lot. Sorry, we couldn't join you this year." Leah laughed, referencing the surprise Christmas we had last year.
"I would've loved—" I began, watching as Leah's face grew a smile in anticipation for my words before we were interrupted by the door swinging open.
"Sophie, there you are! C'mon, it's nearly 12, babe, and I'm not kissing myself." Laura said, as Leah's face dropped and her eyes visibly began filling with tears.
"I'll be two minutes; wait for me on the dance floor." I smiled back at Laura.

Laura got the memo, leaving Leah and I on our own again. Why could I still not stand to see her so upset? I walked towards her, pushing my arms through the gaps between her waist and her arms, and held her for a moment. I knew that she needed it somehow.

Well, I hoped. Bit fucking awkward if not.

"I'm not with her, just so you know. She's just someone I know through work. And a massive joker." I smiled, kissing Leah's cheek, before I turned and rejoined my group on the dance floor.

I checked my phone at 11:56, likely hoping to see a message from Leah but knowing that it was nothing but a wish. I searched the room for her; for some reason, I wanted to see her new girlfriend. I don't know why; I knew it would break me, but I wanted to make sure she was attentive with her and that she gave Leah the love she so deserved.

Seeing Leah had set my mind off in a tangent, meaning that I couldn't stop thinking about Rhys. I didn't want to enter this new year without him knowing I loved him.

You're still an idiot, but you're my idiot brother. Happy New Year❤️

In the time it took to press send, exit my messages, and lock my phone, it had already buzzed with a reply. I smiled, knowing he must've needed that text.

I'm okay with being an idiot if it means I get to be your brother. I'm so sorry, Sophie, for everything. Happy New Year ❤️

I smiled at the screen, placing my phone back into my pocket, and began my scan around the room for Leah again. My efforts were in vain, and by the time the countdown started, I had given up. I stood by the edge of the dance floor, shouting the numbers between 1 and 10 backwards with my colleagues as Laura stood slightly behind me.


I felt a hand spin me around by the waist in perfect timing, and a second hand placed affectionately on my cheek and lips connected to mine. I could recognise this smell from anywhere. The perfect fit of the lips around mine, the hand that cupped my cheek as her fingers wrapped around my hair. They didn't belong to Laura; they belonged to someone who was made for me.

"Le." I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck.
"Happy New Year, Soph." Leah whispered through her smile before placing her lips back on mine.

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