Chapter 7: To Breathe And Not To Breathe.

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Three years ago.

Jace's POV.

She walks into the kitchen wearing a black sundress that stops right above her knees, denim jacket and flat shoes.

She looks like a church girl.

"Do you go to church, Livy?" I ask, sliding off the seat.

"Every Sunday." She smiles.

Of course.

"Well, I don't." I say as we head towards the front door.

"Why not?" She asks, pulling the door open.

"Because I don't believe in God." I answer honestly.

She gasps, she literally gasps at my response like not believing in God is some sort of illegal act.

"What? You go to church every Sunday but you've never heard of nonbelievers?" I lean my shoulder against the wall as she locks the door.

"I've just never met one before." She shrugs.

"Well, here I am, in the flesh." We walk down the steps.

"I feel uncomfortable being around you now, what if you worship the devil or something?" She says playfully.

"See? That's why I don't believe, Christians are so judgemental." I shake my head.

"I'm inviting you to church this Sunday." She says.

"No, thank you, I'd rather sit at home, lock myself in my room and listen to rock music all day."

"Oh my God, you do worship the devil." She half laughs.

I grin at her laugh. I don't know, there's just something beautiful that comes with the fact that I made her laugh.

We continue walking on the sidewalk, in total silence.

I wanna ask her questions, personal questions but I guess it's too early for those so I just keep my mouth shut during the entire walk.

The crowd at Daisy's party isn't as crazy as the Friday night parties Diego and I usually go to, it just looks like a small gathering but the music is way too loud.

I hold Olivia's hand as we enter the house, she tightens her grip like I might let go, I look at her over my shoulder and her eyes are wondering around the place, staring at all the crazy drunk kids around us.

We march into the living room where I spot Daisy and Matt making out on the couch next to a guy who looks uncomfortable, I drop next to the kissing couple which leaves no room for Olivia.

I hold her hand, leading her to sit on my lap, she does, surprisingly.

Daisy and Matt break apart, acknowledging us, or maybe her.

"This is Olivia." I feed their curious brains.

"Did you just replace Sandra in less than twenty-four hours?" Daisy sounds shocked.

"What's your poison?" I turn to Olivia, ignoring Daisy's question.

"My poison?" She asks in confusion.

"Alcohol? Drugs? Pot? Cigarettes? Or that other stuff?" I clarify, she blinks at me.

"I'll have a bottle of water." She says.

I chuckle, thinking it's a joke.

She gives me a blank stare.

"Shit, Liv, you don't drink?"

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