Chapter 36 - A Student's Heart I: Hoshino

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Following the battle against Binah, I spent a day or so short of a week in the hospital, tended to by two incredibly nice girls from Trinity, Sumi Serina and Asagao Hanae. Both of them were fantastic nurses, due to being a part of the Remedial Knights, whose job is literally to heal people.

I've seldom met such nice and bubbly girls.
Regardless of that, I talked with lots of girls during my stay, especially Hoshino, who decided on a day for our aquarium 'date'.

Thus, the day I was able to leave the hospital, around two or three hours before noon, I went to the aquarium to meet up with Hoshino about a block away from the aquarium itself.

"Yo." I call out, eliciting her to turn around toward me.

I wore a simple white t-shirt with a black overshirt, blue jeans and some sneakers, along with my watch. Additionally, I left Arona at home. Hope she won't be too lonely.

Hoshino, strangely enough, wore her usual school uniform, including the straps around her shoulders.

"Hey, Sensei! Huh..." Hoshino hums.

"What?" I ask.

"You look nice out of that suit you're always in." She says with a smile.

"Well... thanks." I say, not expecting the compliment. "You look nice too, but... really? The uniform again?"

"Why not? It's comfy." She defends, with a smile.

"Fair enough. Shall we?" I ask, motioning forward.

She nods and boldly takes my hand in hers as we walk forward. Not long after, we stand in front of the aquarium. It's a massive metal colosseum-looking building with most of the walls being glass.

"Wow! So this is the aquarium..." Hoshino says in awe of the building's size. "A place like this is completely foreign to an old-fashioned country bumpkin like me." She jokes, before pulling a paper from her pocket. "Look here, I got the pamphlet." She lets go of my hand to hold the pamphlet with both hands before reading it excitedly. "There's a tropical fish exhibit, deep sea fish exhibit, and even a live feeding experience! Hmm... there's also a dolphin show... and a penguin exhibit. They must keep that one cold, don't you think?"

"Probably." I shrug.

"Look, Sensei!" She says, holding the paper in my face. "A sea tunnel! They have a whale shark too! Wait, is it technically a whale or a shark?" She asks, looking down at the paper again.

"Sharks, but they eat via filtration, like a whale." I explain, remembering things about the animal.

"Huh... Do you think we'll have time to see everything today?" She asks, hopeful.

"Maybe, but I don't see why we can't at least try." I say with a smile, eliciting her to pocket the pamphelt again.

"So..." She starts, as she suddenly holds my arm against her body. "Where should we go first?" She asks, looking up at me with a beautiful smile.

"How about we go see those tropical fish, then?" I ask, as we begin to make our way inside.


We visited the tropical fish exhibit, then the deep sea fish one. The sea tunnel was nearby, so we decided to go there next.

Hoshino and I looked around in awe as we walked through the tunnel. The world around us is water, making it feel as though we've stepped into an alien world.

Various fish swim around in harmony with one another, even...

"Is that a whale?!" Hoshino yells in awe as she all but presses her face against the glass. "Wow... Amazing... I've never been to a place like this before."

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