Chapter 57 - Chaos on Deck

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After a long period of running, the four of us come to a stop in a quiet hallway somewhere in this massive ship.

"We finally lost them." Karin says, panting along with us. "Thankfully, the mission isn't compromised. And at least, one way or another, the CCTVs are all disabled."

"Small mercies." I say, not as winded as the other girls, but still panting a bit. "Thank God these guards don't have any stamina." Looking to the side, I see Akane's face scrunched up. "You okay?"

"Yes, it's... I'm sorry, Sensei. All that talk and I'm the one who messed up." Akane apologizes. "In hindsight, I really shouldn't have used a bomb in a stealth mission. It was by force of habit. And now, I've alerted everyone on board to our presence... I'm a bit ashamed, honestly."

"Well... The situation's still salvageable." I say, trying to see a bright side. "We aren't completely screwed. They've got no eyes, nor ears on us, unless the guards run into us my coincidence."

"ARGH!" Neru shouts, causing all of us to jump. "This is what I've been saying from the beginning! We're running around like some dumb high school girls when we could've just mowed them like a lawn from the beginning."

"Oh? I didn't realize you were in middle school, Neru." I tease, smirking.

"What the hell, Sensei?" Neru growls out, clenching her teeth.

"A-Are you not going to scold me, Sensei?" The white-clad maid asks.

"Like I said, the situation's still salvageable." I repeat. "Besides, I have an idea."

The three maids look at me in confusion.

"C'mon, let's go back to our tied-up friend." I say, walking away and motioning them to follow.


We return to the empty cabin, where we find our bunny suit-clad friend, still tied up, blindfolded and gagged.

What a fucked up sentence out of context.

Taking off the gag, I lightly slap her face quickly and repeatedly.

"Hmm...? Wha?" She mumbles. "Ah! Ow!" She groans as she struggles against the rope.

"Oh, she woke up pretty quickly." Neru says, a tad surprised.

"I'm relieved. She's rather strong, so this will be a wonderful interrogation." Akane adds.

"Please don't scare her before we've even started." Karin begs.

"Don't listen to those idiots. Just answer our questions and we won't hurt ya." I say calmly to the guard.

"Won't hurt me?! You already knocked me out, tied me up and locked me in here!" The guard shouts.

Fine. Hard way it is.

"Yeah, and we can do a lot worse, so work with us here, for your sake." I threaten.

"Who are you? Which school are you from? Are you looking for money? Do you think you'll get away with this?" The guard guesses.

"People on a mission, one of them, no, and oh yes." I answer, in order. "Look, we're just here to find a... friend of ours, Kurosaki Koyuki. She should've gotten here a few days ago, have you seen or heard anything about her?"

"Huh? I-I've never heard of her!" Our guard says, a bit too quickly.

"I heard that stutter." I say, dangerously. The tied up and blindfolded girl freezes in response. "If I find out you're lyin', I'll let my friend here vent out her frustrations on you, and she got an itchy trigger finger."

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