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Black umbrellas pepper the place as rain drizzles down on the result of a bunch of unfortunate events. The small drops pitter and patter on the umbrellas announcing how loud the silence is. The wet ground crunches under the shoes of people joining the crowd. Faces decorated with frowns and tears, others straight, look down at the two caskets placed next to each other. 

Jeon Jungkook & Han Lia — a couple consumed by unfortunate events.

"How did she die?" A pair of lips purse together, eyes looking at the caskets. 

"He bit her," a shaky reply comes, "And she just-"

"It's alright," firm hands grasp Hoseok's shoulder, "You don't have to say it. I'm glad you made it out alive."

Hoseok had outrun the zombies and made it back home just to see the house crowded with zombies. It was too late. He cleared out the zombies but made it to the room only to find a monstrous form of his friend consuming her carcass, blood oozing out of a hole in her head and a gun in her hand. She had shot herself instead of Jungkook. He couldn't erase the image from his head. 

Jungkook's pale, bloody face looking straight at him, pieces of her—he couldn't tell what part exactly, in his mouth. 

It was going to haunt him forever. Follow him like plague wherever he goes, whatever he does. 

"Felix," Hoseok smiles blinking the tears off, "I'm glad you made it."

"Of course," Felix nods, "I'm here for you, sir."

"Don't call me sir," Hoseok shakes his head, "Just call me Hyung."

"Alright," Felix throws a light smile at him, "Hyung."

The coffins are slowly lowered into the ground and Hoseok's heart drops along with it unable to let go of his long-term best friend and a sister he never had. Hoseok throws a handful of mud into the grave.

They deserved a happy life. They deserved to be together. They deserved the world.

But looks like the world didn't deserve them. 

"They're still together, Hyung," Felix pats Hoseok's shoulder, "They'll meet again and this time they'll be happy together."

Hoseok nods swallowing the lump that formed in his throat.

"I wish I could stay longer," he sighs, "But I have duties to attend to at the company. So do you, Hyung. Jungkook's will has your name in it to take over the company after Lia's. I suggest you move from Japan to the UK where you can move on and heal along with managing the company."

"Thank you, Felix," Hoseok pulls the younger one in for a hug, "I appreciate your support. I'll think about moving there."

"I'll see you soon," he bows slightly before leaving. 

Hoseok steps back and walks away from their grave unable to accept it. He doesn't want to see their caskets anymore. He wanted their living, breathing forms here ready to pull him into a hug and tell him it was okay and that they were all alright.

He takes his phone out to check the time. He tucks it back and starts walking. Grass and mud squish under his feet as he walks away.

"Sir!" He hears a girl's voice behind him. He turns around to see a young girl holding a wallet. She walks to him and holds it out, "You dropped your wallet, sir."

He looks at the girl's face to find an uncanny resemblance, "Thank you," he takes the wallet from her, "And you are?"

"Jeon Si-u," she answers, "You're Jung Hoseok, I know."

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