The feeling

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The party totally blew. I knew everybody there, yet again I wasn't suppose to meet him before my time was out. My clock now reads 00:01:07:15. One hour seven minutes. My stomach hurts. I stare at my clock. Around me there's people drinking and dancing and shouting and playing card games and I'm just sitting there, looking at my clock. When the numbers hit 00:00:59:59, something in me makes me want to get up and walk to the door. Something strong, something warm and powerful, that makes me feel kinda blurry inside. Following the feeling, I get up and leave the house. I don't tell Glass, the feeling doesn't tell me too. It's weird, it's like it's controlling my movements, even tho I'm still in control. I walk down the street, my hands in my pocket because the wind is cold. I know where to turn and where to go, even tho I have no idea where I'm going. I check my clock: 00:00:36:41. I walk faster, the feeling tells me too. I walk and I walk and I end up just beside the docks, the smell of the sea and the wind so strong I feel like it's gonna swallow me. I stop for a second, the feeling tells me its ok to stop. I look at the ocean. I check my clock: 00:00:09:37. Nine minutes. I start walking again. I walk and I check the seconds ticking away. There's no one here, not a single living soul, but I feel like I should be here. I walk, looking more and more at the clock. I step in a bush because I don't look where I'm going. I just follow the feeling. I'm walking on the docks, they are strongly moving with the waves. I check my clock: 00:00:01:43. I run! I stop, I turn around. There's no one here. 00:00:00:56. I look around, there's no one here! There's 40 seconds left and if someone was coming they would be in sight now. But there's no one around. THERE'S NO ONE HERE! I'm not walking anymore. I stopped a few seconds ago. But now I start running. There's no more feeling. I'm all alone in this, and there's no one around. I check my clock: 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds. My heart is beating so fast I think it might explode. 7 seconds, 6 seconds, 5 seconds. I run and I don't look and my feet get caught in a rope and I feel myself falling. I fall into the water, and under the water I see the number two blinking away. I try to get my head out of the water, to breath, but I can't. Waves keep crashing over me. The number one blink away and eight zeros stare at me under the water, and two arms wraps around me suddenly. Someone is pulling me toward the surface and I try to help. When I feel the wind on my face I take the deepest breath ever. But right away another wave comes crashing over me. But there's a strong arm holding me, pulling me. I fight for a long time, but I don't let go of the other person. Eventually I feel the sand under my feet and I make my way to the beach. I collapse on the ground. I breath and breath.

-Are you okay? Someone asks.

The voice is out of breath, but it's soft and light. Wait, soft and light? This isn't a guy's voice. It's a girl's voice. I turn around to look at the person next to me. She's blonde, with long hair and a heart shaped face, but that's all I can see in the dark. On her arm are 8 zeros, their blue light already started fading away. This can't be right! I was suppose to meet my soulmate!

-Something is wrong, I say in a whisper.

She must have heard me, because she tilts her head a little and her eyes becomes more fierce.

-Come on, she says getting up. You'll catch a cold if you stay in these clothes.

She hands me her hand to help me get up and I take it, not because I want to but because my legs are still really shaky. Once we're both up she pulls me toward something, somewhere, and I follow. She doesn't let go of my hand, I don't let go either. We make our way to the street where I can finally see her, thanks to the street lights. She's about as tall as me, with light blue eyes, long blonde hair and three little freckles just above her right eyebrow. She's pretty. We stop in front of a motorbike. She let go of my hand and climb on, putting on a helmet. I stand on the side with my arms crossed. She hands me a helmet while starting the engine.

-What are you doing? I ask her.

-Taking you home, she says casually.

-I'm not allowed to do motorcycle, plus your a stranger.

-First of all, who says you can't? Im driving, I say you can, so you can. Second of all I just save your ass and you look like a fish out of its tank, so I don't think you have anything better to do. And third, about the stranger part, we both know it's more complicated then that, she says pointing at my arm while saying her last sentence.

I sigh and take the helmet. I climb on the bike behind her, telling myself that I won't touch her on the way. But when she starts rolling I almost fell back so I wrap my arms around her waist and keep them there. I show her the directions to my house, there's nobody except us on the street. The wind is freezing but her body is all warm and it feels kinda nice. She parks two houses after my house. I get down and thank her for the ride.

-What's your name anyway? I ask her.

-Eliza, you?


-Was my pleasure to save your life, Rio. I'll see you around, she says starting her bike again.

-Wait, I don't have your number or anything.

-Don't worry, we'll see each other again. After all, it's meant to be, right?

She flash me a smile and leaves, her bike making a huge noise that echoes in the street. I stare at the black dot moving away, not sure what to think or do.

Ticking clocks (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now