The policeman's threat

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I'm kissing her and the world around us doesn't exist, when something brings us back to reality really fast. A big hand slams on my shoulder, pulling me away from Eliza. Someone makes me turn around, a cop. He's tall with giant hands and dark eyes full of disgust and hate.

-What do you think you're doing? He screams in my face.

No words come out of my mouth, nothing. I try to talk, but that doesn't work out well.


-We've done nothing wrong, Eliza says, pulling me away from the cop.

-You're kidding right! There are families around here! You can't go around disturbing everybody like this. It's disgusting.

-But we're found, Eliza says, showing her arm.

The cops stays silent for a second, looking at us with even more disgust if it's even possible. He grabs my left arm and pull up my sleeve, looking at my clock.

-Leave, now.


-You're disturbing the peace. You broken people are disgusting. An abomination. Leave, and I never want to hear that you two were caught doing...this...ever again. If you do, I'll make them sure you don't ever see each other again!

We run back to her bike and we leave. A few streets away from the park I start feeling ok again. My arms are around her waist like usual, but this time, I realize, it makes me feel different. I'm very aware of my hands on her, of her body so close to mine. I close my eyes to forget about it, but it's even worst. With my eyes closed, I don't know where we are going so I have to trust her and it make me lean into her body even more because I'm scared. She parks in front of her place. I know I should be in school, but I don't really care. We go inside and I open the door with my hand this time. We don't play robots or talk about her tech stuff or anything. We stand in front of each other, not sure what to do and, at the same time, extremely sure of what we want to do. We stare at each other, our stare is so powerful it almost scares me. She takes one step toward me, one shy, small step. It's not like her to be shy, to be hesitant. She's squeezing her hands nervously. The fact that she's not this strong, confident, impressive girl anymore, that she's just Eliza, gives me confidence. I take a step toward her too.   She takes another one. We're closer now, but I can't touch her yet. I take two steps, reaching for her hands. We've hold hands before, but most of the time it was just a reflex. I pull her hands in the air, pressing my palms to hers. Her hands are slightly bigger than mine, and they are all ruff and scratched from her work, but they are strong and warm. She slide her fingers between mine, locking our hands together. I pull her to me, really slowly. Our nose can almost touch now. I look at her beautiful eyes, and I can see the ocean in them, with strong tides and giant storms and mermaids lagoons and sea monsters. They are an ocean of wonder, and I want to drown in them so I can explore every bit of that ocean. She bites her lips, and it's so cute and so hot I can't help but kiss her. I kiss her softly, just a small kiss, and pull away. She lets go of my left hand and slide place it on my cheek, pulling me to her. She kisses me and I close my eyes. I can see the ocean now.


She sitting on her couch, watching that super old show she found at the archives. That show was made before people had the clocks, and it's full of people trying to find love and breaking up and having sex with a lot of people and getting pregnant and stuff. I don't watch the show. I'm watching her. She's so beautiful. She knows I'm staring at her. She looks at me and wink, then goes back to watching the show. She pulls her hair up in a high ponytail, exposing her nape, and I want to kiss her neck so badly. I slide closer to her, pressing my lips against her skin.

-Don't, she asks in a whisper.

-Why not?

-Because if you start I won't be able to let you leave this place tonight.

-What if I don't want to leave.

-You don't have a choice, Rio. You're not 18.

-My birthday is in two months...

-But you're still not 18. You can't leave your parents house, that's the law.

-What are we going to do after that?

-Well, we can start by having a ceremony.

-And invite who? I ask. It's not like my family will want to come.

-We can have a super small ceremony, keep the money for other stuff.

-I don't have any money, I don't work.

-I do, she says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

-And after?

-We can live here, or somewhere else. I don't really mind. I just want to be with you.

-I want to be with you too.

This time she's the one kissing my neck. I laugh.

-I thought we weren't suppose to do that! I say.

-No, you can't cause I won't be able to let you leave. But I can try and convince you to stay.

-Do you think it's crazy how fast thing happened between us?

-What do you mean?

-Well, we met on saturday, then on the same day you saved me from my mom, and I spent the night here, then on sunday you took me home, and now it's monday and we're kissing. It's been three days since I first met you.

-I think that, before, when there were no clocks, people took more their time, because they had to be sure the person were right for them before starting anything. But us, I mean our generation of people with clocks, we know the person is right because it's our soulmate, so why wait? I mean, if you meet your found at 5 years old, ok wait. But I'm 19 and you're 17, we're not kids. So why wait.

I kiss her neck.

-Why wait, I repeat.

I slowly pull on the edge of her shirt, but she push my hand away.

-Not before we have our ceremony, she says.

-Why, I ask.

-First, it's the law. Second, I want it to be special. And third, I'm not ready.

-Ok, I say. 

She gives me a quick kiss on the nose.

-How about some pizza? she asks me.

I smile.

-If you insist, I say with a wink.

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