Glass' opinion

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When I walk in school on monday morning Glass almost attacks me.

-So! Tell me! What's he like?


-Who! Your soulmate for God's sake! I tried to find you saturday but you were nowhere in sight! Where did you go? Where you still at the party?

-Come, I say while taking her hand and pulling her toward the nearest bathroom.

I get in and check if there's anybody. There's only one girl and she's putting on make up. Glass and I stare at her nervously until she gets it and leaves. I lock the door behind her.

-So, tell me! She says.

I sight, my forehead resting on the door.

-Rio what's wrong?

-It's a girl, I say in a low voice.

-What's a girl?

-My soulmate, it's a girl.

-I don't understand, she says. It's a girl?

I turn around to face her. She looks so confused.

-Her name is Eliza.

-It's a girl? Like in not a boy? Like in you're two girls, together?

-Jeez Glass! Did you hit your head or something? Yes it's a girl, understood?

-So you're... you're broken?

-No... I'm not. The specialist says everything is fine. They say it use to be called gay or something.

She doesn't say anything for a moment. She sits down on the floor.

-So, what does it mean? Will you have a matching ceremony? Will you have kids?

-I don't know, I say. We're not there yet anyway. Matching ceremony won't be until I'm at least 18.

-Which is in two months!

I sight.

-I don't know Glass...

-What did you say her name is?

-Eliza. She's 19.

-How did you meet her?

I tell her about the feeling and the docks and me almost drowning and her motorcycle and then about yesterday and her garage apartment and everything. I can see she's genuinely happy for me but that there's something in her face, like some kind of...disgust or something.

-It's nice that you like her, she says, but it's still weird.


-Well I don't know, like how do you like...have sex?

I feel myself blush.

-I...I don't know.

The bell rings and we leave. I can see that Glass is uncomfortable around me now. I sit at my desk, staring outside. I see Briha and her found walking around. I met him last night, his name is Joz. He's in college. My mom was so happy that Briha was ''normal'' that she baked her a freaking cake and said she'd take her shopping next saturday. Also, friday, Joz is coming to diner. Briha spent all night shoving in my face the fact that her matching is perfect. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Eliza: Hey you!

Me: Hey

Eliza: You want to grab lunch?

Me: Sure

Eliza: I'll pick you up at noon.

I smile at my phone.

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