Romeo and Juliet

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Eliza lift up the little girl who wraps her arms and legs around her like a koala bear. The little girl turns to me. She looks me up and down, the turns to her sister, whispering pretty loudly in her hear:

-Zaza, who's that?

-This is Rio.

-Hello, I say.

-Hello, the little girl says.

-What's your name? I ask her.


-It's a pretty name.

She nods.

-How old are you?

She olds out 5 fingers.

I smile.

-Do I hear the wonderful sound of my daughters voice? says a man's voice somewhere in the house.

A tall man with sandy blond hair and strong shoulder walks down the stairs.

-"But soft, what light through yonder window break? It is the east and Juliet is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief."

-Hi dad, Eliza says, putting Grier down.

-"She speaks", his father says while opening his arms so she can hug him.

-I missed you, she says.

-Me too, honey. We never see you anymore.

-Sorry, she says. I was busy.

She looks at me, and her father looks at me too.

-Hello, he says, who are you?

-Dad, this is Rio.

-Rio, what an original name, he says while shaking my hand.

-My parents liked the ancient world. Rio was like a really big city in a country named Brazil, which now it the south desert. And my brother's name is London, capital of England...

-Which is now the European islands, he says for me.

I nod.

-Rio, it's a pleasure to meet you.

-What were you saying before, the thing about the sun?

-It's Shakespeare, he says. You don't know Shakespeare?


-He was a great poet in the ancient times, wrote beautiful love stories. What I quoted was from Romeo and Juliet. But your girls are completely soaked!

-Come, Eliza says while taking my hand, I have clothes that will fit you.

We climb the stairs and she brings me to the last bedroom of the second floor. It's pretty much empty, with white walls and only a bed. She opens the wardrobe, tossing a shirt and pants at me. Without thinking I take off my shirt to put the dry one.

-Woo, she says.

I feel myself blush when I realize i'm in my bra in front of her.

-Sorry, I say.

-No, she says while taking a step so she's standing right in front of me. Don't be.

With her fingers she brushes my shoulder and I shiver. She gives me a kiss on the lips, then on my jaw, then on my collarbone, then on my shoulder.

-Stop, I whisper.

-Why, she asks.

-Because I don't want you too stop, and that's not what we planned.

She nods, but instead of walking away she pulls her shirt over her head. I can't help but look at her, and I blush again.

-You're so cute when you blush, she says, kissing me.

She slides her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. I do the same, kissing her. Her hands are running on my back, mine are pulling her into me. We're kissing like crazy when someone knocks on the door.

-Zaza? a small voice asks.

I push myself away from my girlfriend, putting the shirt in a half second.

-Just a sec Grier.

She puts her own shirt on and then open the door. The little girl is looking as us with a shy smile, in her arms are paint brushes and paper.

-Do you want to paint with me? she asks.

Eliza gives me a look, half sorry, half relieved.

-Sure, she says.

I follow them in the basement which is also Grier's play room. There are toys all around and many drawings on the walls.

-You like to draw? I ask her.

She nods vigorously. We sit at her little table and paint with her. I suck at drawing and arts, but Eliza is really good. Grier ask her to draw stuff and she does, and everything is great, from a dragon et a mermaid to a princess robot. When we're done, we hang our drawings on the walls. Eliza looks at my drawing and laugh.

-What is that? she asks.

-A forest, I say.

-Oh, God. Babe you suck!

-I know, I say.

I pull her to me, giving her a quick kiss.

-What are you doing? Grier asks.

We both look at her. Eliza sits down on the floor, and her little sister sits on her lap.

-You know about the clock, right?

The little girl nods.

-Well, mine started and Rio's too, at the same time, and then we met and we are soulmates. And, when you're older and you like someone, you want to kiss them sometimes. And that's what we do, because we like each other.

-Are you going to be together forever? she asks, looking at me.

-That's the plan, Eliza answers.

The little girl get's up and go play with her toys. I sit in front of Eliza, pulling her to me. I rest my head on her shoulder, my face turned to her neck, she does the same.

-You like me? I ask with me eyes close.

-I do, she says. I do like you Rio.

-Good, I say, because I like you too.

I lean in but don't kiss her. There's only like one centimeter of space between our lips. We breath the same air.

-I'm happy it was you, she says.

-I'm happy it was me too.

-You are so beautiful.

Her index is running on my face, really softly.

-I really really want to kiss you right now, I say.

-I really want that too.

-I want other things too.

-I want them too.

I close the gap between us, kissing her with all that fire that's inside of me.

-I think I'm falling in love with you, I whisper.

-I think I've already started falling in love with you.

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