The change of mind

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I know I'm in trouble when I see the police car in front of my house. Eliza stops the engine and looks at me.

-Do you want me to come with you? She asks.

-I know I should say no, but I really want to say yes.

-Ok babe, I'll go with you.

She takes my hand and I lead her to the front door. When I open the door, from the living room, 8 heads turns to us.

-Where the fuck were you? My dad shout.

-Sir, please, stay calm, one of the two policeman says.

-I do whatever the fuck I want!

He walks up to me, grab me by the front of my shirt and holds me up a little. His face is so close to mine I can smell all the alcohol he had like if I drank it myself. I squeeze Eliza's hand because I don't want her to leave me.

-Sir, the policeman says, put the girl down.

My fathers eyes are all blurry, but at those words he blinks a little and it looks like he's back to his senses. He puts me down and his eyes trails off to my hand locked with my girlfriend.

-I don't want you to ever come near my daughter again, he hiss to Eliza between closed teeth.

-You can't ask that sir.

-Yes I can. Officer Oxf, please put a restraining order on this girl.

-Sir, I can't. They are founds, they have every right to be with each other.

-Then, my father says, if you can't do anything what the hell are you still doing here.

The two policemen walk out of the house and while they do so I pull Eliza toward my family who's on the other side of the living room. We hide behind Ruthy and my brothers.

-Get out of my house, my dad says to Eliza.

-No dad, I say. She's my girlfriend, why can Briha have Joz and I can't have her. It's the same thing, we are found just like they are.

-She's a girl and a rebel and a bad influence, she needs to leave.

-No, my mom says.

-Ada? My dad says.

-I'm sorry Levi but Rio is right. We have no right to keep them apart. I know this is not what we wanted and this is not what was suppose to happen but we can't force them to not see each other.

-But Ada...

-No! She answers so loudly that all of us jump.

She continues in a whisper but still loud enough that I can hear.

-Levi, we're gonna lose her if we don't let that go.

I see the vein on my dad's forehead popping. His hands are in fists.He takes a deep breath.

-You can see her, but she's not allowed in my house. Now get out!

I take her outside.

-So that wasn't that bad, she says while sliding her arm around my waist and her other hand in my hair.

-Oh come on, he was drunk and he called the police, it was bad.

-At least we're not illegal anymore.

She holds my chin and kiss me.

-I'm gonna go now, but I'll call you later. Ok?


I kiss her and she leaves, hopping on her bike and flipping her hair to put her helmet on. My stomach aches when she does that, I just want to kiss her in the neck and take her shirt off. I close my eyes and take a deep breath an the feeling pass. I wave her goodbye and go back inside. When I walk in front of Briha who's on the couch reading a magazine, she gives me her most hateful look and says:

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