The graveyard

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I was expecting a bar, or an apartment, or a house, or a restaurant. I was expecting pretty much anything, but definitely not a graveyard. Who hangs out in a freaking graveyard. They are all waiting for us at the entrance. Four guys. No girls. They all start shouting and howling when they see us coming. She parks and they all jump on her like moths on a light.

-Eliza! What's up! How's it going?

-Dude! What happen to you? We don't see you ever anymore!

-Is that your new bike? Sick!

They all high five her and hug her and give her slap on the back and stuff. I just take my helmet off.

-Who's the kid? one of the guy asks.

I feel my stomach twist and there's a weird taste in my mouth. I look down.

-This is Rio, she says.

-Rio, hen? Where did you find her? another guy asks, pinching my cheek.

I push him away.

-Easy Dwayne, she's mine! Eliza says.

-Yours? Do you mean...

-Ya-ha! she says pulling her sleeve up.

-WOOOOO! They all scream at the same time.

-Would you look at that, the same guy that pinched me says. We got ourselves a found here people!

He shouts in the night, howling like a wolf. They all start howling too, then someone pick me up, throwing me in the air like I'm a balloon or something. They all chant my name, but I don't feel comfortable so I don't really enjoy it.

-Guys! Guys! Eliza says. Put her down! You're scaring her!

They all put me down suddenly, right next to Eliza. Event tho I know I look like a kid for doing so, I wrap my arms around Eliza's waist, half hiding behind her.

-Apologize you guys! She says with one arm on her waist, the other one squeezing my arm.

They all stand in front of me, their hands behind their back like little kids, saying "sorry" all together.

-I'm Alac, a tall black guy with really crazy puffy hair says. This is Lexus, Dwayne and Cash.

Lexus is a strong guy that looks like a soldier, with really short hair, Cash a small and skinny guy with glasses but a mischievous look on his face, and the last one, Dwayne, who can't stand still for two seconds. They all bow in front of me and Alac, who's kinda the leader says:

-We're the geek soldiers, at your services!

-Geek soldiers? I ask.

-Eliza didn't tell you where she met us freaks?

I shrug.

-We met princess Eliza in tech class in college. We're all tech genius, but all for different crap. Eliza is the best, of course, she does everything, but Cash and Dwayne work on buildings, like solar things and water systems, Lexus works on robotic, and I'm in space.

-Enough with the chit-chat! Dwayne says, jumping from one foot to the other. Let's go!

They all turn around, howling, Dwayne literally running on the ground like a dog.

-Where are we going?

-You'll see, she says while taking my hand and giving me a mysterious smile.

We walk behind them, holding hands. It's weird being in a graveyard since we don't use them in our days. When people die, they are burn to ashes and use to fertilize the grounds. This place gives me shivers.

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