The slap

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I wake up in Eliza's bed, wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday but without my shoes. She's sleeping next to me, her face turn to mine. Usually, when I look at her, I get intimidated by her eyes and I look away. But now that her eyes are closed, I can really look at her. She's really beautiful. Her face is so peaceful when she's sleeping, she doesn't have that self confident look she always wears, she's just Eliza. I like it. There's a strand of hair falling over her forehead and I'm about to move my hand and pull it away when I realize we're holding hands. I guess me moving my hand a little must have waken her up because she starts stroking my hand with her thumb and there's a little smile on her lips.

-Hi, she says, her eyes still closed.

-Hi, I say back, stroking the skin of her hand too.

We don't move, we don't say anything else. After a moment, I move and slide a little closer to her. I do it really slowly, making sure she won't push me away. She doesn't. Actually, with her free hand, she pulls me to her. I rest my head in her neck and close my eyes. She starts playing in my hair and it feels amazing. Then my phone, on the floor next to the bed, rings.

-I think you have to go home, she says.

-I know, I say.

I part from her, grabbing my phone. It's Ruthy. I open our text conversation to answer her when I realize I didn't sent the last few texts. Last night at 11 she asked "Rio? Where are you? Are you with Eliza?" and I check what I supposedly answered "Hi it's Eliza. Yes she's with me, she's fine. I'll take her home tomorrow. She's fine, don't worry". And ruthy answered "Thank you for taking care of her, I mean it!". Eliza didn't answered that. I was already asleep when she texted her.

-You talked to my sister, I say more as a fact than as a question.

-Yes, I told her you were ok. She had been calling non-stop from 11 to like 11:30, so I decided I would at least tell her you're alive. Are you mad? I know I should not have took you phone but your sister was freaking out.

-No, I'm not mad. Thank you actually.

-Come on, I'll take you home.

She hands me her hand to help me get up and I take it. She pulls me to my feet but she does it a little too fast and I trip. I fall into her arms, our faces so close I can almost kiss her if I just lean in a little.

-You have an awful habit of falling all the time, she says with a wink.

She puts me on my feet and gives me a smile.

-About that, why were you on the docks that night? I ask her.

-I don't know. It felt like that's were I needed to be.

-I know the feeling, I say.

I put my shoes on and we climb the stairs. Before we leave she takes me to her computer and tells me to put y right hand on the metallic pad on the side.

-I'm putting your hand in the system so you can open the door. You know, in case you decide to run away again and you don't know where to go.

I blush and look down but I hear her laugh so I give her a smile. She also takes one of the robot on the shelf.

-So you can practice, she says. Because as much as I like playing with you, you suck and I'd like a little challenge to win.

We hop on her bike and leave her weird house. Half an hour later we're in front of my house.

-I'd invite you in but I think they might kill you if I do, I say while giving her her helmet back.

-Don't worry, she says. I get it.

-Thanks for yesterday, and for the robot.

-No worries.

-I still don't have your number, I say.

-Check you phone, I put it in last night.

-All right.

We stare at each other in silence for a moment, both smiling for no apparent reason.

-Bye Eliza, I say.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

-Bye Rio.

I walk to the front door and turn around. She still there, waiting to make sure I get in safely. She winks at me and I feel myself blush. Then the door opens and someone pulls me in. In a half second my back is against the door and I'm held by the shirt in the air, my feet two inches over the floor.

-Where were you you little slut! he says while giving me a huge slap in the face.

-Dad! screams Ruthy.

She makes him let go of me, shielding me with a hug.

-What the fuck got into you Rio? Are you completely stupid or on drugs or something? You leave your mom alone, you leave with the girl, she's a bad influence who keeps causing us trouble, and you do motorcycle! Are you completely insane? Do you want us to send you to military school or something? Is that what you want?

-Leave Eliza out of this, she did nothing wrong!

-She turned you into a reckless bitch, she broke you the moment she met you!

-I'M NOT BROKE! I scream.

-Yes you are! You can't see this girl again, never! I forbid you!

-You can't do that! I say.

-Yes I can. Now go to your room, and you can't go anywhere other than school for the next two months!

I run up to my room, locking the door behind me. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My phone rings.

-Hello? I say answering.

-Rio? Are you okay? What happened? I saw someone pull you inside, didn't look good.

-Was my dad. I'm ok, don't worry.

-Did he hurt you?

-Just a slap.

-I'm sorry.

-I can't see you anymore, I say after a little silence.

-I figured. Don't worry, I'll make sure to find you!

-He says you're a bad influence, that you broke me.

-Maybe I'm am, she says softy. But maybe that's what you need to learn who you really are and not just follow the crappy rules your rich ass family puts on you.

-I guess. Then I should thank you, I say while smiling.

-My pleasure beautiful. You can tell your father I'll make sure to turn you into a big drug addict thug!

I laugh. Then we stay silent for a second.

-You called me beautiful...I say.

-Well you are.

-You are too, you know.

-I know, she answers and I can almost hear her wink on the other end of the phone.

-Bye Eliza, I say.

I love saying her name.

-Bye beautiful.

She hangs up and I put my phone away. I take out the robot that's still in my coat and turn it on. I put a old wooden statue of some kind of greek god and started practicing my skills on it while thinking about her and us holding hands and that kiss on the cheek.

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