The Christmas Murders

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Snow fell downwards, after waiting for ages, it had finally snowed. Ivy and Nikki were curled on the couch, Nikkis head resting on Ivy's shoulder whilst Ivy played with her hair. They were doing a Christmas film marathon, as it was christmas eve. The fire beneath the television crackled and filled the room with warmth, which made the atmosphere more tranquil. A book spread out on the coffee table, where their two half-drank hot chocolates were placed. Ivy adored this place, its old fashioned feel. She loved each carved stone in the wall and each dark, wooden floorboard. Nikki however had always felt something eerie about it. She didn't like that it was in an isolated area, she preferred louder places, and more public areas. But if Ivy liked it, so did she.

Crash. Both girls turned to face each other as they heard a noise from outside.

"Should we see what it was?" Ivy asked, amusement danced in her eyes.

Nikki had begun to get up in order to see what was outside, Ivy followed. She opened the door and peeked her head out, the cold biting her nose. A small black figure emerged and Nikki yelped. Ivy leaned outside to see what had happened. It was only Candy, her black cat. Ivy laughed at Nikki for being so scared, they picked up Candy and resumed the movie.

After a few minutes, another noise came from outside. Crash. This time, the girls looked at each other worried. Ivy volunteered to see what it was. She went into the spare bedroom, then walked up to the window, and looked down, it was hard to see out of, due to the frost. She squinted her eyes, but she only saw the snow piling up on the grass and empty road. She continued looking but found nothing. She shrugged it off and walked back towards the living room.

However, before she could sit back down, there was a violent banging at the door. Nikki sat up and looked terrified, many things frightened her but this petrified her. Even the brave Ivy felt panic-stricken at the pounding on the door.

"Who do you think it is?" Nikki asked, her voice breaking off at the end. But ivy had no answer, she too was confused at who was at the door.

"I have no idea. I can go che-"

"No." Nikki replied sternly. "I'll go."

They began to argue on who should answer it until they were disturbed by the banging sound once more. Whilst Ivy was distracted, Nikki ran to the front door and opened it. And then she screamed.

Ivy panicked. She ran towards the door where Nikki screamed and saw her lying on the floor, her blood slowly making a pool around her. Nikki took strained gasps, trying to inhale more air but mostly just wheezing. Ivy's eyes were wide, she looked towards the door and saw a tall man in a graphic zombie mask with a bloodied knife in his hand. Ivy looked down at Nikki's now dead body, her lifeless eyes, and ran. She turned around and ran as fast as she could, thinking of where to hide. She slammed the doors on the intruder as she passed them and quickly slid under her bed.

She tried to slow her palpitating heart by taking in quiet, deep breaths as she tried to stay silent. She was too scared to even think about what had just happened to Nikki - her Nikki. She heard his footsteps coming in her direction. She was crying so deeply she had to fight to be silent as she sobbed. She pushed her hands over her mouth as she tried to take deep breaths as his footsteps inched closer. She let out an inaudible sigh of relief as she saw him turn around and begin to leave. That relief did not last. She felt a yank on her leg and was pulled backwards,she let out a gut wrenching scream as he flipped her over so she faced him. He pinned her down, lifted his arm with the knife, still dripping with blood, and swung down and stabbed her in her chest, over and over again, blood splattered on his mask. Ivy weakly lifted her arm up, as he had lifted his legs up and placed them at her sides, and reached for his mask. He knelt his head down so she could take it off of him, her eyes dilated as she realised who it was, and her body went limp. He stared into her open, betrayed filled eyes with a smirk and then walked out of the house, into the chilly night.

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