The Forest

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Bright blue skies overlay the forest, with green, pink and purple trees, the sun basking them in sunlight. Leaves fall on the rich green grass, with different shapes, some in circles, others swirls, and the girls favourite, hearts. Not all of these leaves fall, others float and dance to the song in the wind, one day landing and making new trees, attracting new wild-life. The vibrant blue river reflects the sun's bright rays, creating a disco effect, sun beams splattered across the floor and trees.

A boy and girl dance across the forest, swaying to the sound of the river hitting rocks and the breeze passing through the leaves. They run through the trees and passageways, feeling the wind in their hair. They dance, run and pick flowers. The girls favourite flower is a hydrangea, she says they look like little butterflies and the colours it can be is simply spectacular. The boy prefers chrysanthemums, he thinks they are pretty and likes the fact they are symbols of joy and beauty, they remind him of the girl. So beautiful. He takes a purple chrysanthemum and tucks it behind her ear, she smiles.

They sit down on the picnic blanket, watching the sunset and laugh about jokes only they understand. The girl sits behind the boy and plays with his hair. He picks up a strawberry on the plate and gives it to her. She plaits different parts of his hair. He takes her hand in his and nods his head to the left, she looks left, confused. Her eyes light up when she sees the group of deer walking past them. When they stood right in front of the boy and the girl, they began to eat some of the grass. It was an extraordinary sight to see, especially with the sunset behind them, casting light upon the deer, making their fur seem to glow and reflect shades of orange, yellow and pink, making them look otherworldly.

The boys slowly turns around to face the girl, they share a look of admiration and silent words of saying to be quiet. They continue to watch the herd, the girl excitedly taps the boys back when she sees one looking right at them, they both nod towards it in recognition of its ancient power. The deer nods and the herd carries on, walking past them gracefully until they're completely out of sight.The girl and boy look at each other and talk about how amazing and unforgettable that was.

Night time soon arrives, the boy and girl are lying back, watching the stars. The boy points towards a constellation "that one is Heraphes' blade" he says, "he was the best swordsman there was and he died protecting the kingdom". The girl listens intently, keen to listen to him speak more, his voice was soft and soporific. He carried on talking about constellations when they saw a shooting star, the girl closed her eyes "make a wish" she says. The boy closes his eyes. When they both open their eyes, their mouths hang agape. Flying across the sky, there were thousands of meteors. The girl grabbed the boy's hand and squeezed as she exclaimed her burst of excitement, the boy squeezed back, thinking of how amazing his day has been so far and how lucky he is to be spending it with her.

The boy and girl turn on their sides, facing each other. They talk about how beautiful their day has been. They talk about sweet nothings with each other. Her favourite colour, emerald green, just like his eyes. His favourite colour, orange, but not too bold, soft, like the sunset, like her auburn eyes which reminded him of autumn. She asks him to tell her a story, he complies, telling her a story of a boy and a girl, who played all day, who danced and ran as they pleased. Before he could get to the end, he hears the soft snores of the girl, he closes his eyes and thinks of how perfect the girl beside him is as he too falls asleep under the stars.

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