White lies

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A white lie.
A lie told it was for the best.
A white lie never intended to hurt.
But it did.

It stabbed me in the heart over and over with every lie that left your tongue.
It clawed at my organs until i could not function.
It ripped out my bones and my eyes until i was lifeless and blind.
But you said you did it to protect me.

I didn't know because you did not tell me,
I've never been outside of these 4 walls because you say it is safe.
I feel trapped.

You say the world is horrible,
You say it will ruin me.
And those words may hold some truth,
But i want to be free.

You let me outside, you told me to be careful, so i was.
I met trouble, i was scared,
But i was free.
I ran away and found the beauty of nature.
I will never lie to others the way you lied to me.

You kept me captive and said it was because you loved me.
Love should not feel so toxic.
Love should be fulfilling.

But i forgive you.
You were upset,
You were confused,
You didn't know how to act.
I love and forgive you,
But that does not mean i have to forget.

(A/N: i know this is so bad lmao, and so's some of my other stuff but shh)

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