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The room's a mess.
The house unclean.
Her fingers bloody.
Her body stained.

He loved her.
He helped her.
He saved her.
He hurt her.

She let him.
She loved him.
She excused him.
She forgave him.

He grabs her hair.
He shoves her against the wall.
He puts his hands on her.
He takes her body from her.

She cries.
She hurts.
It hurts.
He's hurting her. 

She's wants to beg him to stop.
Wants to ask him to stop.
Words hung dry on her tongue.
Words unheard through sobs.

He carries on.
He tell's her he does not care.
He does not care if it hurts.
She deserves it.

She cracks.
She shatters.
She regains.
She attacks.

He lands on the floor.
She grabs a knife.
He tries crawling away.
She does not let him.

She screams as she does it.
He screams as well.
His in agony.
Hers in pleasure.

She walks away from the body.
Aware of what she has done.
She is in shock.
But she would do it again.

She looks to her side.
She finds the eyes of the child.
The child no longer innocent.
The child who now knows.

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