The magic train

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"Five stops left" vibrations, go through the train as it moves. Soft cushion chairs rumble and make the passengers shake a train, full of creatures so different and unique, yet fate has entwined their lives to meet the same destiny. 2 fae, a girl and a boy. One with short, blonde hair, the other with long black hair, half pinned behind him. Their hands entwined. The girl peers out the window. Fire sprays past the windows. A green dragon soars past it moments later, a knight in shining, bloody armour runs past, sword in hand. Behind the scene, a battle occurs in front of a medieval-looking castle. Knights defending and dragons attacking, before the winner could be announced, the train goes through a tunnel.

"4 stops left". The train exits the tunnel and is now underwater. The female fae gasps as she sees mermaids riding seahorses gallop past. A yellow submarine comes into view, a kraken following pursuit. A great, big tentacle wraps around the submarine as it is tossed from tentacle to tentacle, like a ball. The girls' purple eyes widen in surprise. The boy only looks at her, unaware of his surroundings. She regains herself and stares out once more. The train stops outside of the clam castle, seaweed and coral overgrown on its purple walls. A babu turtle tries to get off, but an invisible barrier stops it from doing so. An older turtle enters, plastic bag on its head, he pats the hatchling on the head before slumping down on a chair. The boy glances at them regretfully, hand still holding the girls. The train begins to move. It goes through another tunnel.

"3 stops left". The girls sheds a tear as the train exits the tunnel once more. Snow is falling, an artic fox runs over the track, barely escaping alive. Frost glazes over the windows with ice, a snow storm swirling and whirling, making is hard to see the frozen landscape behind. The girl squints and stares at the ice palace, with ice ranging from transparent to opaque. Just as she caught a glimpse of the queen, a snow leopard began to race the train, the girl squeezes the boys hand, eyes still on the fast leopard. He glances away from the other passengers and looks at what captured the girls attention. The train stops. A half-melted snowman gets on, as well as a sword impaled ice golem. As soon as the doors closed, the train went through yet another tunnel.

"2 stops left". The train exits the tunnel, the track now a rainbow, the floor non-existent. Clouds dot the sky, unicorns gallop on them and drink the stored rain water. Alicorns and Pegasus's fly about making loops in the air. Small multicoloured pixies float about. In the distance, clouds are moulded into a palace with big towers and waving flags. The train stops. A unicorn gets on the train with no horn, head hung low. The train enters another tunnel.

"1 stop left". The train exits the tunnel, the track, no longer a rainbow, is now i roller coaster track. "Hold on" says the boy, the girl clings to him. The boy began to ascend, a long drop and loop waiting for them at the bottom. Up and up and up it goes. It halts ant the top, no one dares breathe. It drops down, down, down, everyone screams, non with joy. The girl puts her head in his chest, eyes tightly closed. The boy protects her head with his hand, his other gripping the arm rest, prepared for the loop. It loops and momentarily slows when upside down, everyone screams as they're lifted off their seats, nearly hitting the roof. The girls legs and waist begin to lift, the boy holds her even tighter as she lets out a panicked sob. The boys' hair lifting as he begins to lift off of his seat. The train leaves the loop and everyone falls back on their seats, the girl and boy embrace as the train speeds again, going through more loops. However, this time, it doesn't stop. It goes through the last tunnel.

"Last stop". The train exits the last tunnel for the last time. The girl looks up from the hoys chest, fear in her eyes, silent worry in his. They both look out of the window. Nothing. Darkness and darkness and... light? At the end of the tunnel, there was a white light, growing bigger the closer to the train it got. Everyone had made it past the dark crossing. The light was coming closer and closer, the boy and girl look at each other, features drawn with sorrow and peace. Eternal peace lay at the end, peace and solitude. They made it but must leave each other. The train approaches, but darkness slithers in and the lights go off. Passangers lean on the edge of their seat, hoping they make it. They do not. The tracks break off and the train goes down, away, away, away from the light. The unique passengers' fate led them to the same destiny, but the wrong path.

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