The Arrival

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I'm sat, watching the clock tick, tick, tick away. 5 more minutes and my shift ends. My desk is only small, but so are the others. I work in an office and can hear the typing and idle chatter around me. I'm finishing work on my laptop, tap, tap, tapping away when I feel a dark presence behind me at the entrance. I stop typing and glance to the side, not moving my head, only trusting my peripheral vision. I see a couple of shadowy figures dotted across the room, the silhouettes of my co-workers. I glance at the camera that seems to be boring into me.

I'm now stood at the coffee maker, tapping my foot, waiting for the coffee to brew. A few stand around in a queue, waiting to use the machine. I hear a short buzzing sound, it sounds much like a moth flying into a light. The sound keeps repeating, i turn around to see someone glitch yellow then disappear, as they glitched, i heard the buzz. My eyes widen, I turn back around and run, run, run, trying to escape the yellow glitch. A yellow line travels through the walls, like a bolt of lighting, opening all the doors. As I run past one, a pillar comes racing towards my head, I quickly duck and carry on running. A cabinet blocks the hallway, I jump through a gap, a table gets pushed out of a door, I duck under that. I risk a glance behind me and smile, I escaped them this time. I open the door at the end of the hallway and see the "EXIT" sign above a white, fire escape door.

I charge towards it but hear a click of a switch, a yellow bolt goes through the walls and floor. The floor begins to tilt downwards, becoming a strange sort of slide and I tumble down, down, down, I slowly catch myself before falling into the light blue abyss that surrounds me, making it look as though I am in the sky. I jump off of the floor-turned-slide and reach towards a thick pipe above my head. I grab onto it and yank it off. I'm falling once again, I look at my closest surroundings, and fall onto a small platform, I carry on running and jumping onto different things, pipe still in hand. I see an elevator door closing, I throw my pipe towards it and watch it spin, spin, spin, stopping the doors from closing. I jump through it, exit door in sight, only 2 platforms left.

A security camera watches me, and darts towards me, stabbing me in the chest area, barely missing my heart. 4 cameras stare ahead. A small room, filled with yellow light, is ahead of me. I hear the tick-tick-tick of the clock as I fall back, just before I hit the floor, I'm sitting back in my office. The world back to normal. I gasp for air and put my hand where I was stabbed. I look up at the clock. Roll my spinny chair backwards and put my head in my hands, thinking of how to dodge the cameras next time. I feel someone staring at me through the camera behind me again.

I take a book on my desk and throw it at the camera, breaking the lens, I throw it at the others i see and begin running once more. The walls and floor falling off of each other, I run through a door and begin to fall, fall, fall, only just catching myself on a platform. A camera watches me again but I punch the lens and carry on running. I run away from the yellow room where I know he is, and towards the exit, but walls and doors and cameras block my path to it. I turn back around, seeing a clear path to the yellow-lit room and charge towards it, jumping from platform to platform, from table to table. The cameras charge at me once more but I jump out of their way and through the window of the yellow room, I put my hands in front of my face to protect it from the glass. I finally see him and go towards him, a pole flies towards me but I jump to the side, quickly grabbing it and land on the floor. I get back up quickly and slide behind him, I stand and choke him with the pole. He grabs me and hoists me over his head, making me land on the floor with a bang. I grab his arm and see he's holding a watch, a yellow watch which ticks the same ticks I hear when I die. I quickly grab it and kick him away from me. I hold out the watch, taking a step back away from him, but trip on the pole that was left on the floor. The watch glitches in my hand and the world goes black, making me only but a blue outline, and him a yellow one.

I walk towards him and watch as he fixes his glasses and regains himself, seeing his hand as a few yellow lines. When he looks at me scared, I pull my shoulder back and punch him as hard as I can in the face, breaking his nose as he falls and tumbles on the floor, his glasses a few feet away with cracks through the glass. I look back at the clock, still safe in my hand and look towards him, glaring at him. He sits up and wipes his face, I bring my hand with the clock in it up, up, up and throw it below me and stand on it making sure it's smashed.

(Note- This was inspired by SAD-ist on youtube. The "Yellow Zone clock out animation". By inspired i mean i basically copied it but wrote about it, full credit to SAD-ist. i'm sorry for the bad spelling lmao this was so rushed).

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