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Im in a bubble and i cant get out. I put myself in here a long time ago, thinking i could leave when i wanted but the door has long since disappeared.

I punch and hit and claw at the sides but nothing happens. I scream and scream until my throat is raw but no one can hear. I entered the bubble to get away from people. I entered the bubble because i was scared of what others think of me.

I entered the bubble because i felt i had no other option. Comments everyday, insults thrown at me simply because i am me. I was told i was too happy, too naïve, too trusting, too open. I was told i wasn't insecure enough, i wasn't sad enough, i wasn't pretty enough.

I ran into the bubble seeking a safe place to hide, but i've been here for so long it feels like a danger zone. With no one else to hear but my own head, i made reasons to stay in the bubble, i made myself think the worst of myself, i made me hate me because i thought no one else could hurt me more than i've already hurt myself.

But i don't know if thats true, people have tried to help me get out of the bubble, i have escaped a couple of times, but each time i've been chased back in. More insults, more hate but this time from me. Someone looks at me strange and i think the worst, someone whispers around me and i assume its about me. My eyes look in every direction, paranoid something will happen.

I need to get out of the bubble because i'm hurting myself, i'm my own bully. I need to stay in the bubble because only my words can hurt me. I need to stay in the bubble because it is my friend.

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