Chapter 6 - Frustration

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After finding out from Olivia the last time she saw her period, which was two weeks before the night Ethan told her he wanted a divorce and they ended up drunk and in bed together, they both realized it had to be that moment which got her pregnant.

Once the doctor left and it was just the two of them alone, that should've been the moment they should've spoken about it, but they couldn't.

Instead, Olivia sat up from the bed while facing the floor and Ethan leaned against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets and his chin raised. The silence carried on for a few minutes until he narrowed his eyes and glared at her.

"This was your plan, wasn't it?" he asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"You decided to trap me by getting pregnant!"

"Are you listening to yourself ? Why would I want to do that?"

"You obviously knew what a baby from me would come to benefit and that was why you made sure to get pregnant."

"I need to remind you that I didn't make this baby alone. Had it not been for that night, it wouldn't have even come to this. How frustrating!"

"That makes the two of us."

With a sigh of frustration, she rubbed her temples as she shook her head. "What now?"

"I don't know," he said with a shrug and a tone of uncertainty.

"I don't know either."

Right after she spoke, silence fell upon the room and both of them faced different directions.

Ethan faced the floor with an arm across his chest and the other formed into a fist, which he had rested right on his lips as he was deep in thought.

For the next few minutes, the silence carried on and it was only when Olivia spoke first that Ethan paid attention to her. She expressed her frustration further, stating how it was meant to be a new start without him in her life, but the pregnancy complicated the situation.

As soon as she voiced her feelings at that moment, he equally expressed his frustration when he reminded her that all he had done was to keep his mother happy. He was in the process of preparing for his wedding with Natalie but the news of the pregnancy ruined it for him and he wondered how he would tell his mother about it.

As they argued back and forth, blaming each other, emotions ran high as she constantly pointed at him with every word she said.

Then came a moment when she no longer wished to argue with him further, so she spoke calmly as she pointed out that there was no need for them to even argue about it. It wasn't as if it would stand in the way of his wedding so his frustration couldn't be compared to hers. While pointing at herself, she justified how extreme her frustration was, because she was unsuccessful in getting rid of him and her hopes were shattered. Her new beginning away from him was now impossible because the life that now grew inside of her was part of him and would be so forever.

Once her long rant was over, she restlessly paced around the room with her hands on top of her head and as he watched her, he rubbed it in her face that she was stuck with him and he did so with a chuckle.

Hearing him chuckle only added to her frustration so she stood right in front of him with a glare while pointing at him and complained about how cold he was towards her feelings, even in such a moment.

With a blank expression, he held onto the wrist of her arm which she had been using to point at him.

"Let me go!" she said with a grunt.

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