Chapter 26

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Noah shoved his hair back with impatient hands. He was on a call with Harvey in his home office.

Noah had had lunch with Lillian and the twins surrounded by pack members. She sat next to him while he told her about what happened six months ago, her scent teasing his nose, her arm brushing his and her entire being focused on his every word. He had wanted to keep talking just to keep her bright blue eyes fastened on him.

She left with the twins, and Noah had to get back to business. Now, sitting in his office with Harvey on the phone, Noah resisted the need to push everything away and go after them.

Benjamin paced in Noah's office. He'd come a little while after lunch to discuss a joint patrol schedule.

"The Council will convene in a fortnight," Harvey said through the phone. "Only Arthur and Venus from the Five will be in attendance."

"Do you know if Venus managed to break the hex in Santos' mind?" Noah asked.

"She did," Harvey replied. "However, I don't know what came out of it. I can ask Arthur, if you'd like to know."

"I would, thank you."

"I'll see what I can do," Harvey said, then his voice lightened. "How's Lillian? Have you reconciled yet?"

Benjamin snorted. Noah's grunt made Harvey chuckle. "You keep your nose out of my business, vampire."

"Oh, I don't think so. You're one of the hardest people to tease. Many will be using their leverage now that it exists."

Benjamin nodded his agreement from where he stood by the window.

"Is that Noah?" he heard a familiar voice through the phone. Elle.

"Yes," Harvey replied. There was a rustle, then Elle's cheerful voice filled Noah's ears.

"Noah, you asshole! I didn't know you got yourself a mate."

Noah sighed. "Not yet."

"Oh, shut up. You'll win her over by your gentle disposition and sunny charms in no time at all."

Benjamin and Harvey barked out a laugh. Noah growled.

"Can't wait to meet her. I'll attend the Council meeting just to see her, you know. I hate those snobby meetings," she grumbled. "Oh, by the way. The person you were coming to see the other day isn't doing so well these days. I'll let you know when she's lucid enough to make sense."

Noah appreciated Elle's cryptic words. He didn't want others knowing about the White Stag and Lillian. Not yet. "I appreciate it."

"Take care, Noah. Gotta go kick a certain vampire lord's ass. See ya."

Elle's wild energy disappeared, and Harvey was back on the phone. "I'll see you at the meeting. Are you going to represent the Alphas in your area?"

"Hell no," Noah growled.

"It's between you and Benjamin," Harvey said. "Settle it out and let me know. I've been assigned the delightful task of coordinating between the races. Let me know who'll be representing."

Harvey hung up, and Benjamin gave Noah a withering stare. "I am not representing."

"Both of us will be attending, anyway. You might as well do the speaking."


Noah stood up. "Only one way to settle this, then."

Benjamin grinned and preceded him to the door. "You're on."

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