Bonus Chapter 2

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Lillian and Noah ran together to the border in their fur.

Rain soaked Lillian's fur, weighing her down, and her paws splashed in the puddles already forming on the ground. She didn't feel good about this visit. What would alpha Albert possibly want? Did he know that his son had raped Lillian? He probably did.

A couple of weeks after Lillian and the pups were rescued and Blazius was caught, all sorts of rumors about Blazius' experiments exploded in the immortal community. Talks about the rapes, the forced pregnancies and the artificial wombs made the rounds, despite Arthur's best efforts to contain the matter. There were just too many people involved.

Lillian and her pups became prime subjects for gossip. Their partial immunity to silver was hot news. And the fact that she was a result of Blazius' experiments, as well as the way the twins had been conceived, was now an open secret.

No one in the pack brought it up to Lillian or the twins. But Lillian knew that her past was no longer a secret. It didn't bother her anymore. She had made peace with it. It was the fact that the twins might hear about how they were brought to the world one day that was still a source of anxiety.

Albert must have gotten news somehow. The nerves of him to come here after knowing full well what his son had done.

Lillian shook her head, flinging water around, and pushed her paws harder. Noah ran along. She'd seen him run, and he was much faster than this. He was holding back for her sake.

"What do you think he wants?" She asked him.

Noah glanced at her, his wolf's eyes so familiar. "You're worrying too much. Whatever it is, we'll handle it."

Lillian huffed and bumped her side to his. It wasn't like she could help worrying!

By the time they reached the border, the pouring shower had lessened to a drizzle.

Sean and Kate, who had been on patrol, were standing in a small clearing with three werewolves.

Sean and Kate were in wolf form, their amber eyes set on the three individuals. Alpha Albert and two women stood across the clearing from them. Lillian sucked in a deep breath, trying to pin down the relationship between the three. One of the women was Albert's mate, Lillian could tell from the way their scents were intertwined. She stood tall and proud, with dark blonde hair and deep set gray eyes that looked to be permanently squinting.

The other female looked like Albert's mate, but she had Albert's almond shaped eyes. The same almond shape that Ashton had, and that the twins had. She must be their daughter. She stood behind them, her shoulders hunched. She looked like she was barely an adult.

Noah and Lillian shifted out of sight. Noah found a bag with some clothes they kept in tree burrows around their territory, and they dressed before joining the party.

"Alpha Albert," Noah said, moving to stand in front of Sean and Kate. Lillian stood next to him. "You're a long way from home."

Albert's eyes shifted to Lillian. Lillian kept her gaze firmly on his, her lips twitching up in a quiet snarl.

"Yes, I heard some news about my son," Albert said.

Lillian crossed her arms. Noah cocked his head aside. When Alert realized they wouldn't be speaking any time soon, he continued, "Is he dead?"

"Yes," Noah replied. Albert and his mate froze, an amber sheen rolling over their eyes. Their daughter's shoulders slumped. Lillian frowned. She looked... relieved? No, Lillian must be mistaken. Why would the girl be relieved her brother was dead?

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