Chapter 35

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 Noah was pacing his room, debating whether to track down his mate or leave her to explore in peace. Charles was with them. While Noah didn't trust the vampire to have Lillian's safety at the top of his list, he knew Elle was more than capable of keeping her safe.

But then the door of the condo slammed open. Noah and Sean were out in the living room in a heartbeat.

Lillian barged in, and the scent of her fear clogged Noah's nose, bringing his wolf to the surface and testing the threads of his control. Elle and Charles stayed at the door. A smart decision considering the situation.

Lillian stopped at the sight of him and his brother. Her chest heaved, as if she'd run a marathon, and her pulse skittered in her neck. The blue of her eyes was but a ring around her dilated pupils. She was terrified.

"Lillian?" Noah asked, taking a step closer. He scanned her from head to toe. She looked unharmed, at least physically.

Her eyes focused on him. She looked around her and swallowed. "Um... I'm sorry. I just..."

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked softly, closing the distance between them slowly. If she flinched from him, he would be gutted. Much to his relief, she seemed to settle down.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the scent of fear melted into thin air. Sean gave him a look and went outside to talk to Elle and Charles, closing the door behind him.

Lillian's shoulders slowly lost the tension. She opened her eyes and gave him a wobbly smile. "Sorry, I just... freaked out a little."


She bit her lips. Shaking her head, she sighed. "Nothing, I think it was just my imagination."

"Lillian. What was just your imagination?"

She chewed on her bottom lip. Noah couldn't resist any longer, he wrapped his arms around her and gathered her to his chest. With a sigh, she hugged him back.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise me you won't run out of here in a rage."

Noah growled. "Did someone say something?"

"No. It's not that. I just thought that I saw..." She hesitated. "Promise, first."

"I don't make promises I can't keep," Noah said.

She huffed, her heartbeat slowing down and her breathing no longer chopped. Noah added, "But I'll try my best to be reasonable."

She was quiet for so long. Noah rubbed her back up and down. She took a steadying breath.

"I think I saw someone who looked like... who looked like the werewolf who..."

"Who raped you?" Noah finished. She nodded.

Red shuttered Noah's sight. He pulled away from Lillian and moved to the door, his wolf pushing to take over.

Lillian was in front of him in a blink. Her face set in determined lines. "You promised, Noah."

Noah's growl shook the walls. He closed his eyes, aware of fur pushing through his skin and his elongating fangs. His blood simmered in rage. He almost tasted the blood of his prey, the man who had hurt Lillian in the worst way.

Blood and retribution took over his mind. His wolf was pushing against his mind, and for the first time in so long, Noah was tempted to just let the beast rip out of him.

A soft touch on his arm. Lillian's scent, her soft voice. "You promised me, Noah. Don't break your promise."

With an enraged growl, Noah turned around and flipped the couch, sending it right through the glass walls. They shattered, and Noah turned, looking for something else to vent his fury.

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