Bonus Chapter 4

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Hey guys!!!

Long time no see! I hope you're doing well.

Another short bonus chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget to vote and comment! I appreciate it <3

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"But so far, no one is taking it."

Harvey's words lifted a weight off Noah's chest. Noah leaned back in his seat and raised his brows. "How much money?"

"Five millions," Harvey said.

Noah whistled. "And no one is taking it?"

"I believe they know their lives aren't worth five millions," Harvey said. "Elle is going around telling people that she's spending her vacation in your pack as if she's your sister. Even if they do get the job done, they know that they'll be hunted down by you and by Elle. And dealing with Elle means dealing with Arthur and an army of vampires. No one is stupid enough to put themselves in that position."

As expected. Letting Arthur inside his pack had been worth the risk. "That's good, then. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Harvey said. "If you need some people to up security, let me know. I have a few vampires in Oregon."

"Appreciate it," Noah said. "How's little Leena?"

Harvey chuckled. "She has everyone wrapped around her tiny finger," Harvey said, his voice warm. "Amanda is in love with her."

Noah's heart warmed. Amanda loved children. Noah knew that she had related issues in her past. He was glad she found Little Leena, and that Leena found her. They both deserved everything good in the world.

"What about the boy?" Noah asked.

"He is... better, I believe. Elle is good with him. But Arthur..." Harvey sighed heavily. There was some noise in the other end of the line. Someone called Harvey's name. "I must go, Noah. Do let me know if you need anything."

They ended the call. Noah was curious about the little boy. He was a fierce kid. Elle would be good for him. The problem was Arthur. The boy's situation was too close to Arthur's late child for comfort. He wondered how Arthur would deal with having him close by.

Lisette knocked on the door and got in. She looked at him pointedly. "You're sitting in my chair."

Noah raised an amused brow. "Isn't this my office?"

"It is," she said, moving to stand over him. "But that's my chair."

Noah stood up and ruffled her hair. She wrinkled her nose and sat down with a triumphant smile. Lisette was also a submissive, and she was perhaps a year or so younger than Emily. Hmm.

"Did you meet Emily?" Noah asked.

"I saw her from afar," Lisette said. "I didn't get to meet her yet. When are you holding an integration ceremony for her?"

"The oath is already done, so we only have to introduce her to the pack. Lillian and Sean said they'll take care of it." Noah crossed his arms and sat on the edge of his desk, regarding Lisette thoughtfully.

She glanced his way then away, straightening a stack of papers on the desk. "What?"

"You're less shy around me," he said. Lisette was a shy wolf. But for a while now, she had been more open with him in a way she only was with her family and very close friends.

Lisette smiled shyly. "Am I? I just think you've become more approachable."

"So I wasn't before?"

She wrinkled her nose. "I'm not sure how to put it. We, the pack, knew you were a good alpha and you would do everything and anything for the good of the pack. But you were still a little bit scary."

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