Chapter 5

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Lillian felt like she was in a dream. She had encountered death more than once in the last twenty four hours, and was still alive.

Not only that. Her children were alive, safe and happily being themselves for the first time in their lives.

"You can stay here for now," Eva said, opening the door to a small log cabin tucked in the shadow of a giant fir tree. "We'll figure out the logistics after discussing things with Noah."

"Thank you." Lillian stepped inside.

The cabin was one story, like all the houses around. It had an open floor plan. A simple kitchen on one side, a dining table for four, a living room with one big sofa, a blue woven carpet, a wooden coffee table and a fireplace. On the other side of the kitchen were three doors.

Two large windows on either side of the front door let through enough natural lighting to make electrical lights redundant by day.

"The boys will have to share a bedroom for now," Eva said, going to the fridge. She opened and checked it with a sigh. "I'll have someone drop off some food later, but you can have dinner in the pack house."

"I don't mind."

Lillian looked around with a smile. For the first time in her life, she felt... at peace. She'd had lunch with some of the other mothers in the pack, and she'd had so much fun. They were all lively and energetic, and very welcoming.

She'd learned that the pack house was a common space for anyone and everyone in the pack. It was the biggest building in the pack village, with several guest rooms for when they had visitors overnight, offices of the high ranking wolves in the pack, and a gigantic dining room that reminded Lillian of her high school cafeteria. Everything was made with wood. It gave the place a cozy feel.

"You say that now," Eva said, looking through the beige cabinets. "But in a few days you'll want to eat quietly. It's always rowdy there."

"Say, Eva?" The red haired woman looked over her shoulder. "What can I do? I mean, I don't know how things work around here, so I don't know how I can work for anything... Do you guys work?"

Eva chuckled and leaned her back on the counter, crossing her arms. "Everyone in the pack has a specific role and rank. For example, I'm the pack doctor, but I'm also the second in command female. Sean, my mate, is Noah's second."

Lillian frowned. "Mate? like, a partner?"

"Yes, but in human terms, husband would be more accurate," Eva said. "Although even husband is such a temporary and a unstable term, so to speak. Immortal matings last for life. There's no such thing as divorce or separation."

"Oh, okay. Wow." Lillian raised her eyebrows. She couldn't picture such an abiding bond. The only relationship in her life that had lasted more than a year was with Lydia and the twins.

Eva took a seat at the table. Lillian sat across from her.

"So everyone in the pack has a specific role and rank. The alpha is at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the second in command and his mate, then comes the master-at-arms. In our pack, that's Jake. Then there are the warriors and the omegas."

"Warriors and omegas?"

Eva bit her lip in consideration, then shrugged. "This information isn't for outside ears, but since you'll be part of the pack, I guess you should know."

Lillian nodded. "I know I'm not fully trusted yet, and that's normal, I don't expect to be. But I'll work for it, I'll do whatever it takes to earn a place in the pack."

Eva smiled. "I know you will. Noah is a good judge of character, the fact that he let you in means a great deal. He doesn't trust easily."

Lillian could believe that. Just that morning his hands were on her neck. She suppressed a shiver at the sensation. His skin was hot, too hot for touch. Physical contact with men wasn't something with which Lillian was comfortable. But all she could think about that morning was how it was the end of her life, how she was never going to see the twins grow up.

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