Chapter 42

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Noah was in his house in minutes. He called Harvey, his wolf raging inside his head.

"Where?" he growled out as soon as Harvey picked up.

"Good to hear from you, too," Harvey drawled out.

Noah wasn't in the mood for jokes. He growled, and the glass on the windows clattered.

"Relax. My people found him in a hovel in Nevada. We have him in custody," Harvey said. "He's a crazy bastard. I'll have him in Arthur's holding cells near your territory as soon as possible."

"I appreciate it." Noah hung up. He wanted to drive there right now and wait for their arrival. But he wouldn't make the same mistake again. Lillian deserved to know that they got the bastard who'd hurt her.

He went after Lillian. She was with Irene and the Seer. He'd sent a couple of wolves to keep an eye on them discreetly. Irene was a strong shapeshifter, not to mention her kind usually had several tricks up their sleeve.

He found them by the creek near Arthur's cabin. The burbling water drowned their voices. The three women sat on a fallen log facing the running water.

Lillian was up and walking towards him before he even came into view. Good. She was learning to use her senses.

"Something is wrong," she said, a frown tugging down her brows.

Right. The bond.

"Harvey found him," Noah said.

She sucked in a sharp breath. Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked back at the creek, her eyes haunted.

"Do you want to go?" He asked.

"I should go, shouldn't I?" she said.

"You should do what feels right to you," Noah replied.

"I-I don't know." She closed her eyes tightly, her shoulders hunched. "Are you sure he's the one...?"

"We can have Harvey run another DNA test if you want."

She blew a breath. "Yes, if it's not too much trouble. That would put my mind at ease."

"He's going to be held in Arthur's cells."

"Okay. I don't want to see him before I'm certain of it."

Noah squeezed her hand, but Lillian stepped closer and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. Lillian looked up and poked a finger to his chest. "Tell me once Harvey has the result. Don't go running off on your own again."

Noah smiled. "I'll try."


She held his hand and they turned to the creek, intending to join the two women. Noah's eyes found the Seer's eyes. The blank look on her face melted into one of horror and shock, and her pupils swallowed the pale green of her irises. Noah felt a sharp tug of her magic and then she screamed, the shrill sound splitting the air. Birds fluttered away, rustling the trees. Irene shot to her feet and hovered over her.

Noah was between Lillian and the two women in a heartbeat. The Seer slumped down, curling on herself and holding her head.

"Are you okay?" Irene asked, putting her hand on the Seer's shoulder. "Hey."

The Seer looked up, her eyes dark through the curtain of nearly white hair. She looked straight at Lillian. "You," she whispered.

Then her eyes rolled back, and Irene caught her as she fell.

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