Chapter 14

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An hour later, Lillian managed to hunt down Kate, her goal to somehow convince the warrior to train her.

She found Kate and Jennifer, playing with a tiny pup in front of Jennifer's house.

The pup was Kate's, barely two and a half years old. He was the most adorable bundle of brown fur with snow white tipped ears. He crouched low when he saw her, flattening himself to the ground. Lillian pretended not to see him, and as soon as she passed by, he jumped on her with a high-pitched bark. Lillian pretended to be scared and played along, and she was rewarded by a furious tail wag and a lick before the pup hopped away.

"He's adorable," Lillian said, leaning on the railing next to Kate on Jennifer's porch. Jennifer, who sat in a rocking chair nearby, grinned at Lillian.

Lillian had been getting those sorts of smiles all morning. The kind that said they knew something she didn't, and they were enjoying it.

"Of course he is," Jennifer said, taking a sip from a mug in her hand. "He's my grandson."

Lillian ignored the way Kate leaned closer to her. She was trying not to sniff Lillian blatantly. But Lillian was used to it by now. She'd been getting it whenever she passed by a pack mate and they gave her a startled wide-eyed glance when they caught a flash of Noah's scent on her.

Why would people be so surprised that Noah spent time with her? Maybe he really was that much of a loner.

"So, Kate," Lillian said. "I was wondering if you could help me start combat training."

Kate froze. Her eyes flitted away. "Um..."

Kate's expression made Lillian suspicious. Jennifer chuckled.

"What?" Lillian asked.

" see..." Kate said. "While I'd be more than glad to train you, I can't disobey a direct order from my alpha."

Oh, no, he didn't. Lillian straightened, crossing her arms. "What does it have to do with Noah?"

Kate looked back at her mother, who was clearly amused by the conversation. Kate's pup sneaked closer and nipped at Lillian's shin. Since she was wearing jeans, she didn't really feel his little teeth. Lillian crouched down, scratching the pup between his white ears. The pup settled down, his eyes half closed.

"You see," Kate finally said. "He kind of gave the order to not allow you into the training ground."

That sly, hard-headed ass- Lillian's temper flared, but she smiled sweetly while petting Kate's pup. "Did he, now?"

Jennifer chuckled. When Lillian stood up with the pup in her arms and arched a brow in question, the older woman just shook her head.

"oh, don't mind me." Jennifer gestured with her hand. "Keep going."

Lillian pinched her lips to the side. The pup shifted in her arms until he lay his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

"What were his exact orders? His exact words?" Lillian asked Kate.

Lines appeared in Kate's smooth forehead as she slowly said, "that you're not allowed to train in the training grounds..."

A slow, wide grin stretched Lillian's lips. Kate took a small step backward, an apprehensive look crossing her face.

*** *** ***

The backyard of the pack house, a large clearing with a scattering of wooden table benches, was buzzing with wolves. Noah walked through the crowd of excited pack members, stopping occasionally to someone's demand.

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