Chapter 2

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Noah stifled a growl for what seemed like the hundredth time this evening.

The meeting dragged longer than any individual in the room cared to entertain. He knew they were discussing a crucial matter, but some people were just repeating what had already been said and decided upon. It was getting tiresome. Putting a dozen dominant wolves in an enclosed space wasn't the most brilliant idea. The round table held more than a dozen Alphas. The room was large, but no room was large enough for that many dominant wolves.

"Remind me why we didn't hold this damn meeting outside?" Benjamin asked in an annoyed hushed whisper meant only for Noah and Jensen's ears. The heavy rain outside almost swallowed his words.

"It's raining," Jensen replied in the same tone. His voice half a growl. He, too, was shifting restlessly in his seat.

"I swear Robbins loves talking more than humans do," Benjamin whispered when the alpha in question stood up again.

"So no one else's had similar disappearances? I know you all want to take care of your own problems, but if these cases are related, then there's some serious shit going on."

"Yeah," echoed another young alpha. He'd just taken over the position a few months earlier, and was overly eager to prove his dominance. He stood up, puffing his chest like a juvenile who'd just gotten his first kill. "If anyone is withholding information that could help us resolve the issue, there'll be consequences."

A cacophony of harsh growls resonated around the room. Some Alphas shot up, reacting to the direct threat.

Benjamin chuckled. "I knew it was only a matter of time before that idiot put his foot in his mouth."

Benjamin, Noah and Jensen also stood. They were far too dominant to consider anyone else in the room a threat, except each other. But having other wolves tower over them while they sat put them at a slight disadvantage.

"Alright, gentlemen," Jensen said, his voice booming around the room. Jensen was one of the most level-headed wolves Noah knew. With his laughing forest green eyes and reddish brown hair, he looked like the peacemaker many thought him to be.

They were deadly wrong. Noah knew Jensen was lethal, despite his seemingly "human" bearing. He, Jensen and Benjamin had known each other since they were pups.

"I think we've achieved what we came here for. Let's call it a night", Jensen continued, looking around the room, and meeting the young wolf's eyes. The latter dropped his gaze from Jensen's, frustrated. They were all alphas, but inevitably, some were more dominant than others. That's just how nature works.

Between the three friends, it was a close tie. Some days Noah was sure he could take them both down, other times he doubted that fact. He wasn't interested to test it out. They were close allies, putting that bond at risk because of a silly dominance fight was plain idiotic.

The alphas hesitated. No one wanted to get out of the room first and give their back to other wolves. Most weren't stupid, but there were always the greedy ones who'd want to take an alpha down in order to get hold of more land.

The beast in Noah was too agitated to stay enclosed any longer. He considered such political games beneath him, was too self-assured to worry about other wolves he saw as weaker.

Walking out first, he strode through the pack house of the alpha that hosted the meeting and into the night air. The crisp air refreshed his nose and lungs, the rain a cool balm on his hot skin.

Noah took off his shorts when he reached the edge of the forest. Tucking the borrowed clothing into a tree burrow, he let his wolf take over, aware of Benjamin and Jensen doing the same.

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