Day 2: Stop

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Author's Note:

This chapter will contain bullying.

Have a happy reading!


It was Friday.

INFP didn't want to go to school, but she had to unless she wanted to have a bad record. She was woken up by ENTP with a cup of coffee.

INFP brushed her teeth and changed to a green patterned shirt with a denim jacket along with a white and black striped skirt and black stockings.

Then she ate some toast with strawberry jam and made sure she had everything she needed for the day. As ENTP kissed her goodbye, she put on her coat and boots.

She got in her car and began to drive to the middle school.

As soon as she arrived, she was in her classroom looking through any recent email. She found one that said that a new student, named ENFP, had enrolled here and he was going to be in her 5th period class.

Oh, a new student. Let's hope he's not as rowdy as I hope he is.

Ring! The bell had rung and soon enough, students were coming into her classroom.

"Good morning class! Hope you had a wonderful snow day yesterday. I'm sure I did! Now, let's do some warm-ups before starting today's lesson."

When lunch came around, INFP was one of the teachers that had to supervise the kids. She didn't like it very much since it was a little too loud in the cafeteria for her liking.

She sighed as she watched the kids laughing and eating their food. They looked so happy, she thought. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"You alright?" It was INTP who was the 7th grade science teacher. INFP was good friends with her and they shared common interests.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look like it."

"Well, seeing all these kids, I've been thinking about maybe...having my own?"

INTP gave her a dumbfounded look. INFP quickly flushed as she mumbled, "Uh, nevermind, that's just wishful thinking anyway."

"No, no, it's fine if you want to think about having kids, but kids are a handful. Not to mention that you're not even married."

"True, but I can't help but wonder. I've always wanted to be a mother."

"...Uh-huh. And how long have you guys been together?"

INFP hummed, trying to get an accurate number.

"Around maybe 6 years?"

"Wow, and I've only known you for 3 years. But still, there's plenty of time to think about getting married."

"Yeah, I guess. If I do tell ENTP that I want to have kids, what do you think he'll do?"

"I don't know, sleep with you or something?" INTP shrugged as INFP felt her cheeks go red.

"W-What?? No, that doesn't sound like him. He might do something more grand, but I'm not sure..." INFP fumbled with a strand of her long hair.

"Maybe one of you can propose?"

"Ha, that sounds like a great idea, where if I propose, I can keep getting stuck on my words and stutter throughout the whole thing."

INTP continued to sip on her coffee as INFP was in deep thought and then...

"Hey, you know what? Maybe I will propose to him!"

INTP nearly spit out her drink.

"Oh? Oh! But as I mentioned, I think it's safer if you just think it through and the outcomes from marriage like paperwork and all that legal stuff."

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