Day 9: Tile

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I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK!! Finally, this chapter gave me a pretty hard time. I'll keep on making more chapters in the meanwhile. Thank you soooo much for your patience!

Have a happy reading!


It turns out that ENFP has no other remaining relatives, so the only option was giving him a foster home. But either some of the foster families were on vacation or were unavailable.

ENFP himself said that he didn't want to live in a foster home.

"What should we do?" INFP passed her fiancé a cup of coffee.

He took a quick sip then said, "To be honest, I don't have an answer...why did the tiles have to break now?"

Last night, the couple heard a noise and went to check what happened. Outside, some tiles broke off the roof, but it wasn't too devastating.

"I bet it's those rascals that keep on throwing rocks at people's houses. Oh, they are so gonna pay! I knew I should've-"

"Focus. You're going to hurt yourself."

"Oh, sorry."

"I also talked with my brothers. Do you think the 18th will work?"

"Sure, sounds good to me. As long as ISTP doesn't bring his nerf guns."

"He's not going to bring any! It was just one time, y'know?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Anyways, they were the most harmless ones."

"Wait, what-"

Ring! Ring!

INFP felt a tickle in her pocket and pulled out her phone.

It was the agency.


"Hi, is this INFP?"

"Yes, that's me. Is something wrong?"

"No, no, we were just wondering if you wanted to pay a visit to ENFP. Would you like to come today?"

"Yes, of course! I'll make an appointment right away!"

"Okay, thank you and see you soon."



INFP and ENTP arrived and ENFP was ecstatic.

"Hi! What are we going to do today? Are we going to the park? Are we going to eat somewhere? I'm hungry, I could use a cheeseburger right now."

He was way more energetic than INFP had anticipated.

"First off, I brought some food to share. Do you like muffins?"

"...Are they chocolate muffins?"


"Yay!" His arms were in the air as he smiled with glee.


"That was delicious!" ENFP drank some more milk and felt very satisfied with his muffin.

"I've also brought a couple of board games for us to play!" INFP had Uno and The Game of Life.

"Which one do you wanna pick?"

"Mm, let's do Uno first!"


"..." ENTP looked from his left to his right.

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