Day 4: Property

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INFP stayed at ISFJ and ESTP's house for the night.

She was sleeping in the guest room and it took her a moment to get out of bed and get dressed.

She borrowed ISFJ's clothes and it fit just fine. She walked down and saw ISFJ making waffles.

"Oh! Good morning INFP. I hope you don't mind having waffles for breakfast. Unless if you don't want any, I can make something else for you."

"No, no. I like waffles. But shouldn't you be resting? I can manage everything else."

"I'm alright. Being pregnant doesn't stop me from doing housework."

"But still, I'd like to help make breakfast."

"Are you sure? You look tired."

"It's alright, and take it easy since the baby is due...a couple weeks later?"

"Well, about a month to go, but close enough. You can help set up the table. I'd appreciate it."

"Okay!" INFP did so, setting the utensils and plates in an organized way.

"Good morning!" ESTP walked in with his hair surprisingly all smooth and not tangled up. INFP also noticed little ISTJ walking close to him.

"Hi, ISTJ. Do you remember me? I'm your mom's friend." She bent down to his level and smiled sweetly.

"..." ISTJ hardly opened his mouth and still stayed close to his dad.

"Yeah, he's like that with strangers. Even if he knows our friends, he barely speaks to them."

"I was like that too, you know. Very introverted and shy." INFP just continued to smile, with swollen eyes.

Then ESTP went to his wife and kissed her right on the cheek, which made INFP remember the multiple times she and ENTP kissed each other with such care and love.

ISFJ placed the waffles on each plate and brought out some strawberries and syrup.

They all sat down and began to eat.

INFP noticed ISTJ looking quite bored as he ate his food. She decided to do something for him.

She grabbed her own napkin and started to fold it. After a couple minutes, she was (actually) satisfied with her creation.

"Hey, ISTJ. Look what I made."

He looked in her direction, and saw a lily made from a napkin in her hand.

His eyes were in wonder and he almost took it, but stopped himself.

"It's okay, you can take it."

He slowly grabbed it and nodded his head. She smiled back as she thought he was a nice kid. Both ISFJ and ESTP were amazed that their son communicated very well and they wondered how INFP managed to get close to him, but they continued to eat.

"Soooo...would you mind telling us what happened? Considering you didn't really give an explanation when you let yourself in our house and–"

ISFJ lightly, but firmly kicked his leg across from the other side. He mouthed 'What?' as she gave him a look.

INFP stared at her waffle as tears began flooding once more.


"No, no. It's fine. I can tell you what happened..."

She explained in detail what had happened as her friends listened.


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