Day 8: Enemy

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I've failed the challenge. To be honest, this was a big task and I had school, so maybe I can do this next time. I will still be posting, but it will take a while, so please be patient. Thank you for understanding.

Also, the underlined text is ENTP's dad speaking, you'll know when it comes up in the multiple speaking parts with different characters.


ENTP and INFP got dressed and headed for the park. ENTP dreaded seeing his parents again. But INFP made sure that it was going to be alright and she would be there for him.

As soon as they arrived, they saw ENTP's parents at a table.

"Hey, Mom...Dad."

They stared back with emotionless eyes. ENTP's mom started the conversation.

"Hello, son. We've heard from ENTJ that you got engaged with this...woman. Even though we already declined. How disappointing."

"Why do you care so much if I'm getting married?"

"Son, we only want what's best for you. Surely, there are other options you can choose from. It's not too late."

INFP winced as ENTP tried hard not to swear out to his parents.

"I chose INFP. And she chose me...I don't care if you don't accept us."

"That's not the only issue. What will happen if you marry someone of low class and...looks. It will do some damage to our public–"

"Yours. It's not mine anymore. And she's not low class. And she looks amazing."

"Are you talking back at your mother? I would've thought we've taught you better than this."

"Oh, yeah? Well, congrats on being the best parents ever! And for ignoring my issues and ENTJ's issues too!"

"Please son. We'll give you anything you want. Money, fame, insurance, anything. Just name it. All you have to do is move back in with us and we'll all be happy again."

" 'Happy again?' Since when were we ever happy? You just used me for almost my entire life. It damaged me so much, that I became more anxious and had to take therapy and to this day; I still do. But more importantly, you made your daughter suffer. That's not what real parents do. I'll never come back to you guys. Ever."

His parents frowned even harder.

"...I see there's no point in talking you out of this. Come along dear. We can't waste any more time. And, I can't even call you my son anymore...don't come begging to us when you screw up."

Just like that, they left.

"Are you okay?" She could see him shake with his eyes wide and unsure.

"Yeah,'s a lot." She took him in her arms and patted his back. He seemed to appreciate it and buried his face onto her shoulder.

"I know this is a bad time to say this, but my brothers are coming before Christmas. I told them that it'd be great, but I forgot to ask you. Is that okay?"

"Of course. When?"

"Oh, we haven't really set a date. I'm sure we'll figure something out together."

They continued to hug as she murmured sweet nothings in his ear.

Just then, INFP noticed something moving in the snow near where they sat.

"Hey, what's that over there?"

They walked over to investigate the movement.

Then a figure popped up.

"ENFP?? What on earth are you doing buried in snow?!"

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