Day 6: Safari

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Just a quick warning of implied abuse and neglect.

Have a safe reading!


INFP marveled at her ring as it sparkled in daylight. She couldn't believe she got proposed to after 6 years.

Then ENTP handed her some coffee as she happily accepted it.

"I can't believe I got proposed yesterday."

"I'll admit, I thought it was going to be more romantic."

"It was perfect." She placed a kiss on his cheek as he sat next to her.

They sat on the sofa, quietly drinking on their beverages.

"So, how did you even convince my parents to let you marry me?"

"Oh, it was so not easy. They basically interrogated me before I got their blessing! And don't get me started on your brother, ENFJ. He swore he'll try to make sure I 'disappear from the face of the Earth' if I did something evil to you. What did I ever do to him?!"

INFP chuckled as she clinged onto his arm, lovingly.

"It's probably because he's kinda overprotective of me."

"Yeah, it was a real warm welcome when I first met your family. He was practically shooting daggers at me. And your other brother was actually shooting nerf bullets at me. And it stung!"

"Yeah, sorry about them. They just became overly protective of me when I was getting bullied in school...but I'm independent now! So, I can handle most things on my own."

He smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead. Then it went back to peaceful silence.

"...Do you remember the first time we met? You had really long hair."

"Yeah, and you had a really big ego."

"Hey!" INFP laughed then ENTP reluctantly joined in. They thought back to their first meeting at college.


INFP was headed to the library as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

She entered and returned some books she borrowed. Then sat at a table with a student sitting in front of her.

INFP was too busy to notice the person in front of her since she was trying to concentrate on her report. She murmured to herself as her maddened eyes read the text.

The same student looked up from his computer and saw the state she was in.

"Excuse me."

"Huh? Y-Yes?"

"You're talking to yourself."

"Oh, I am? Sorry. I can stop if you'd like."

"No, it's fine...hey, you remind me of someone."

"Really? Who?"

"A frog."

"...Eh?" Her face went blank as he smirked, struggling to hold back his laughter.

"Well, you do look like one. Here." He searched up 'frog pictures' on his computer and showed it to her.

"Wow, I guess I do look like one...wait, are you using Safari?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Isn't that a bit outdated?"

"Hey, in my defense, I was raised to use Safari. It's not my fault my parents don't use Google or even Internet Explorer."

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