Day 5: Ferry

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Author's Note:

Just a reminder that I have tried to do multiple people speaking in this chapter, and I hope you won't get confused by the dialogue, so I've tried my best to make sure you can recognize when a different character is speaking.

And also, there is implied/referenced abuse, but not in full detail, just implied. If this type of content makes you uncomfortable, I'd suggest to skip.

And I'm not sure if I depicted abuse or child abuse to be more specific, accurately. I've looked through resources, but not every resource is the same, so I sort of made a twist. Please comment if I need to make it more realistic or if it needs more work.

I would say this chapter is more rushed, but I sort of struggled with this one, so please comment if there is anything you would change about it. Much appreciated.

Have a safe reading!


INFP was once again in the guest room. Alone. With no ENTP by her side.

She sighed as she stretched. Then a thought came to her mind; she wanted to go to the park.

INFP borrowed ISFJ's clothes once more and ate some cereal. Then she got her own coat and headed outside.

It was snowing, but that didn't bother her in the slightest. She walked around, admiring the view.

But then, she saw a couple walk past her. They were talking and laughing as one of them was clinging onto the other's arm.

'They look so...happy.'

Her vision got blurry. She jogged to the nearest bench and sat there, though it was extremely cold sitting on it.

INFP didn't care. She didn't care even if she froze herself right this instant.

'...What am I thinking? Of course he still loves you. Just that, maybe you made a mistake. Maybe you make too many mistakes...oh, I forgot to call them. Let me do that now.'

She pulled out her phone and instead of calling, she pressed facetime.

"INFP!! How's my little sister doing?"

"Oh. Hi, ENFJ. Where's ISTP?"

"Here I am." ISTP was standing next to his brother, which made him look less tall.

"How are you guys doing? And...are you on a boat?" She saw in the background there was water.

"You bet we are!"

"Actually, we're on a ferry."

"Close enough! And we've been wonderful! We went Christmas shopping and got some eggnog!"

"It was fun."

"And how's your holiday going, INFP?"

"...Oh, it's, um...not going very well." At this, she teared up, and sobbed quietly.

"Oh, my dear INFP. What's wrong? I thought Christmas was one of your favorite holidays?"

"It is. It's just, ENTP–"

"ENTP?! Alright, where is he? I better give sense to him if he's going to hurt my little sister!"

ISTP nodded as he gave a frown.

"What?? No! ENTP did nothing wrong! He always cares for me and checks if I'm doing okay. I ran away from him. And I'm scared that I ruined it for us..."

Her voice cracked as her hands shaked, while trying to keep her phone steady.

"Oh, INFP. I wish I was there with you, so I could give you the biggest hug ever."

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