Day 3: Experiment

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Author's Note:

Just a quick warning: A little too cheesy and implied sexual intercourse. I didn't put any smut, just very much implied.

If you are uncomfortable with this, I'd advise to skip.

If you are uncomfortable with this and still are willing to read it... why?? Just why.

Anyway, have a SAFE reading!


ENTP woke up and stayed still for a moment.

Man, did I sleep well last night. Wait...

He got out of the couch and searched around then landed into his and INFP's bedroom.

His face lit up almost immediately. He saw INFP sleeping peacefully as she snored quietly.

I didn't even get to say goodnight to her. Well, I guess I better change out of my suit and brush my teeth...I should buy something more fashionable than this.

He took out a silky set of purple pajamas from the closet. Then untied his tie and undid his buttons.

Suddenly, INFP woke up from her sleep and shifted to a seated position. Her eyes landed on ENTP and she felt an instant heat wave had swept her over.


ENTP turned around to see a very much blushing INFP covering her eyes with her hands, but still peeking out.

"What?" He was puzzled since they had obviously slept together numerous times and seen each other nude.

"It's just, I've rarely seen you...well, half-naked in daylight before."

"Why? Should I do it more often?" He smirked as INFP felt her cheeks go hotter than ever.

"..." She thought she was in high school again when she would easily get very flustered and still does.

"I'm just joking. But seriously, it's too cold to even be wearing one layer, so I'll just–"


ENTP stopped as he looked at INFP who spread her arms wide and shut her eyes tight.

He stifled a laugh and took note of how adorable she was when she wanted something.

He placed himself on the bed and took in INFP's embrace. She felt his bare skin and mused at the fact his skin was very smooth and not too rugged.

They pulled away as INFP took a look at ENTP's chest. There were abs, not quite as visible, but still abs.

"When did you start working out?"

"About some weeks ago. It took a while, but it was worth it! I mean, just look at me!"

"...I am though."

"I know. Am I more sexy than ever now?"

"Of course! I've always thought you were handsome and very smart and kind and breathtaking! Oh, and I've also thought it was really amazing of you to–" ENTP covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

He liked the attention and admiration, but honestly, he was getting red from all the compliments.

"I think that's enough."

"But I thought you–"

"Maybe it just gets a bit too much for me when you're the one doing it."

INFP stared at him blankly, then snorted as she giggled.

"What? I'm being serious, you know!"

"I-I'm sorry. But that was way too cheesy, even for me."

She kept on laughing her knees off as ENTP huffed.

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