Ice as a cream...

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"Hyyyyuuuunnnnggggg" Hyunjin whined out loud, trying to gain Minho's attention who was focused on his phone.

'Damn the phone' Hyunjin thought with a huff of annoyance 'What is so special in there that he is ignoring me?'

And with that, the daring weasel peeked at his phone screen. A cat reel was playing in on there. The cat was playing with a ball of wool and the overall cuteness of the video spread a huge smile across Hyunjin's face. The long-haired boy quickly glanced up to see the very similar adoring smile across Minho's lips, too.

Of course I am getting ignored over a cat..... Nothing new

Hyunjin laughed at his own thoughts that finally drew Minho's curious gaze at him.

"What are you laughing at, weasel??" He asked, clicking his phone off.

"You" Hyunjin answered back, knowing full well it will fuel Minho's agitation. And sure enough, Minho's eyes went wide in offense as he quickly started tickling the boy sprawled across the couch.

"You are laughing at me? Yah Hwang Hyunjin, I will kick you off the couch." And just like that, Minho's attention was on Hyunjin.... even if it killed him from horrible tickles.


As he finished giving the last strokes to his painting, Hyunjin's stomach grumbled in protest for the nth time. With a sigh, he checked the time and almost dropped his brush in surprise.

4PM??? How did he lose track of time like that?? Hadn't Jisung left just a few minutes ago?? It was 1pm, right?? Ughhhhh.

None of the his three roomies were back yet from the studio, which made Hyunjin sigh in annoyance.

Chan and Changbin had left early in the morning after breakfast, for working on their Oddinary tracks and Jisung had left later on, in the afternoon. Now Hyunjin was alone in the house, as always, and he was hungry. But he knew from experience that walking into the kitchen all alone to make food would be a disaster for the boy.

Soooo, being the smart weasel that he is, Hyunjin quickly tidied up his art room. He did a swift organizing of the house before glancing at the clock again.

4:34 P.M......

Enough time to get ready and pack his stuff. Hyunjin smiled in contentment, humming a careless tune as he quickly washed up and changed his cloths. He brushed his long hair and applied some moisturizer and lipbalm.

Once satisfied with his looks, he picked up his bag and threw in a jacket, phone charger, extra rechargeable battery, chapstick, his glasses and a mask. He rushed over to his art room and picked his essential art supplies and drawing notebook along with his lyrics diary and carefully placed them in his bag.

He made a mental recollection and, once sure, quickly put on his shoes, took his pair of house keys and walked out of the dorm.


He made it down the elevator before realizing he forgot to lock the house.

Damn it.

He spun around to find the elevator gone.... Double damn it..... Without wasting another second, Hwang Hyunjin took off, climbing two stairs at time to make up the 5 floors.

After locking the door, wearing his mask and setting himself right, Hyunjin walked out of the parking lot's back door, keeping his head down and trying not to draw attention to himself.

The crisp warm summer air was refreshing, the environment seemingly lively and busy. Hyunjin enjoyed these walks that he took almost every other day when he went over to the other dorm to meet his members.

These days, Chan, Changbin and Jisung were way too busy with the comeback and gym activities, which left Hyunjin at home all bored. He had already drawn 3 paintings by this week and it was only Thursday.

He had also gotten the permission for a single song he had wanted to write for sometime now. So, all he needed was a lil bit of motivation, which is why he was walking over to the other dorm.

He picked up some doughnuts and chocolate crepe roll cake on his way from his favorite cafe 'Beans n Creams', whistling away in oblivion. As soon as he arrived at the dorm, he whipped out his phone and texted Chan.

-At the other dorm rn. Be back after dinner.

                      Ok, we will pick up some food on our way back -

Came back Chan's reply in a second making Hyunjin smile. However busy he might be, Chan is still their elder brother.

With the content feeling in his heart, Hyunjin bounded up the stairs, ringing the doorbell a couple of times. He heard shuffling and murmuring from inside before the door opened revealing Jeongin.

"Hyunjin-ah!!" Jeongin shrieked, throwing himself over the taller. Hyunjin giggled at the maknae's excitement. He hadn't been at home when Hyunjin had last visited a couple of days ago, so his exclaimation was expected.

"Careful I.N-ah, you will crush the treats." Hyunjin moved the bag away from disaster before it got ruined.

"Treats??" Seungmin popped up behind Jeongin, sniffing dramatically. "I know I heard something about treats. Where are they??" He gave Hyunjin a sardonic smile before snatching away the plastic bag.

That finally got the maknae's attention as he detached himself from Hyunjin. "Yah Kim Seungmin!! Don't you dare!!" And Hyunjin was left behind in dust for chocolate cakes and doughnuts.

He sighed.... "You are welcome guys" He called out sarcastically, removing his shoes and closing the door behind him.

A second later, Seungmin came out of the kitchen, a half-eaten doughnut in his hand, and gave him an embarrassed smile. "Hi Hyunjin" He greeted properly, hugging the elder who laughed at the changed antics.

"Hello Seungminnie" He greeted back, patting the younger's back.

Jeongin joined them at the couch too with a plate of chocolate crepe cake, feeding Hyunjin some of it.
"Where are those two?" Hyunjin enquired, noticing the absence of the Lee duo.

"Taking a shower." Jeongin answered.

"They had quite a food fight a few hours ago while making some brownies and custard puffs." Elaborated Seungmin on noticing Hyunjin's confused expression.

"BROWNIES??" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"Yep, they are still getting cooled down though" Came a reply from behind the raven-haired who jumped up in excitement to hug the sunshine.

"Lixie!!" He wrapped his arms around the blonde boy tightly.

"Not you acting like we didn't meet the other day" Felix laughed at Hyunjin dramatics, who pouted in defense.

"Yah, you are spending way too much time with Minho hyung." Hyunjin drawled out the words particularly louder, knowing Minho was listening. And sure enough, he heard a yell coming from the room near the main door.

"Hwang Hyunjin, you are asking for some tissues." was Minho's sweet reply, making everyone laugh.


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