But whenever you, who's cold, smiles like a....

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"Hyung?" Hyunjin's pitifully small voice rang out in the room as he peeked his head inside Minho's room. 

He was relieved to find the elder lying out on his bed, though whether he was sleeping or just ignoring Hyunjin was a fact he wasn't sure of.

The three younger members were out shopping, and Hyunjin had sneaked in with the intent of apologizing and setting things right with Minho. Even if it meant laying out his feelings and getting rejected, be didn't care. All he needed was Minho.

Slowly and quietly, he made his way over to the bed and sat beside Minho, who was facing away from him. He glanced at his face and found his eyes closed, but the stiff and tense posture told Hyunjin that maybe the elder really was awake. So he summoned all his bravery and lied down next to Minho, carefully putting his arm around the other's waist and snuggling in close. He could feel the tension leave Minho's body as he relaxed under Hyunjin's embrace and the younger was overjoyed at how easily he was accepted by the elder.

Maybe this won't be as hard as he had expected.

He shifted closer, his chest flush against Minho's broad back and his nose nuzzling against the elder's nape, the soft purple hair tickling his forehead and his long leg over Minho's heavenly thighs.

"I am so sorry, hyung." he whispered, knowing that the other dancer was listening attentively by the way his head shifted just slightly enough in his direction.

"I am truly very sorry. I got jealous over nothing and took it out on you. It isn't fair of me to just expect you to be by my side every single second when we have 6 other friends to take care of. I was selfish and immature by the way I acted. I know you are closest to Hannie and Lix, and it was wrong of me to be jealous of your bond. Those hurtful words are something I never thought I would utter to you. You are the best hyung in this damn world, I am so sorry I spoke otherwise. The way you take care of me is something I have grown to love and cherish over time hyung, I will forever be thankful for you. You are not biased, you treat all of us with love and care. I can never even fathom the fact that you would show favoritism, you are too pure for that. I am so so sorry for my hurtful words."

 By the end of his speech, his heart was thudding wildly against his chest and his mind racing with all the negative possibilities of confessing. But he had made up his mind, he will not lie anymore.

"Those jealous words were nothing more than a fake cover-up of the fact.."  he was interrupted when Minho abruptly turned around. Scrambling away from the sharp-eyed dancer, Hyunjin tried to get up but he was instantly caged in the elder's arms. His head met the pillow softly as his hands automatically rested upon the muscular shoulders of Minho, who was more or less above him. His arms were on either side of Hyunjn's head and he was holding himself up on them, peering down at his nervous team member.

Hyunjin could feel Minho's warm breathe over his lips, their faces inches apart as his heart rate went on overdrive. Blood was rushing to his ears, his heart was pounding and his brain had already short-circuited by the time Minho spoke up.

"I want to kiss you." his breath caught in his throat at Minho's words, his thoughts swirling in and out of his mind, as he stared in shock. Because he was shocked.

His crush of several years had just told him that he wanted to kiss him, and he was no ordinary crush either. It was a team mate, his hyung, his guide, Lee freaking Minho. No words could describe his jumbled emotions. He was convinced he was dreaming, or maybe dying, until he heard the elder again.

"Can I kiss you, please?" 

Ok, he was officially dead. He must be in heaven, there was no other explanation of it. How did he die though? He was just fine a few minutes ago? Of course, maybe Minho killed him. He always did anyways.

Some kind of way - HyunhoWhere stories live. Discover now