Bonus Chapter

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"Waking up to you cooking is like a nightmare come true." Minho's husky voice slipped in Hyunjin's ears as the elder stepped behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist carefully. He nuzzled his nose against the younger's neck, sniffing him, obviously, which made Hyunjin squirm and giggle a little.

"Why are you sniffing me like a cat?" He angled his head to the side to give him better access anyways. "Wait no, don't answer that." He added jokingly and kept stirring the broth. Minho didn't answer, as ordered, and kept his face buried against the soft skin. The two just stood there in a pleasant silence, the younger working on the lunch and the elder just enjoying his boyfriend's warmth and scent to calm his hormones down.

Within minutes, the microwave beeped to signal the heating of the rice and just then, the broth started bubbling to cook the vegetables and meat properly. Hyunjin reached over to turn the microwave off, plated some kimchi on a side dish and went back to the broth.

"Are you not fully wake yet, hyung?" Hyunjin whispered when he switched off the stove but the elder didn't let go still. He had been attached to the younger's back the entire time of the last 10 minutes and it was slightly weirding him out. No shade, but Minho wasn't the most physically affectionate male so his sudden clinginess was absurd. Especially after waking up.

The elder shook his head slightly, his soft hair tickling Hyunjin's neck and chin, but whether it was to signal a 'no' as in 'no, I am not awake yet' or 'no, it's something else', the younger wasn't aware.

"Hyung." He turned around, a little worried now, sliding his arm over the elder's shoulder as he faced him. "What's wrong?" The sudden change in the atmosphere was messing with his head.

Minho avoided his eyes with a shake of head and pulled his torso away from Hyunjin, which made the younger frown openly.

It was one of their off day and their members had graced them with an empty dorm to spend some time together after a long period of work. The maknaes had left to go shopping and then would drop by the other dorm to play games with the 3rcacha men. Hell, they had even offered to have a sleepover but the boyfriends hastily convinced the younger ones that 6 people in that dorm would be a bad idea what with the gym equipment's scattered over the place and the messy state of the rooms.

If SKZ wanted a sleepover, the maknae+Minho dorm will be the better, if not, the only option.

But that was besides the point!!!

They were left alone for the entire fucking day and suddenly the elder was acting weird?

What the hell?

"It's nothing." Minho whispered, his voice still deeper and hoarser due to his cat-nap. He gave the younger a small smile and started to walk away but Hyunjin wasn't going to let it go. They were about 5 months into the relationship and the elder was already hiding things?

"Nooo, tell me. What is it?" He whined immediately, knowing Minho won't be able to ignore his baby voice, and back hugged the elder just like he had done a few minutes ago. He pressed his body against the other male and held tight, even when Minho jerked his body forward and tried to get out from the embrace. His arms wrapped around the elder's torso, holding onto his silk shirt.

"Hyunjin...." There was a subtle warning in his voice that the younger ignored and instead nuzzled his ear.

His grip on Minho's black shirt tightened and he pulled the elder flush against his chest, leaving no space between themselves. He heard Minho breath in shakily and it lit up a bulb in his head, but he still acted ignorant to see if his sudden suspicion was true or not. His lips slid down from Minho's ear to his neck, leaving a wet trail behind. His tongue grazed the soft warm skin right above the collar and he could feel himself getting hot with the sudden action too.

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