Ice as a cream

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"So, am I forgiven now?" Hyunjin's eyes sparkled hopefully as he looked up at Minho.

"Nope." Minho grinned back and rolled off to the side as the taller's mouth fell open in shock.

"What? Why?" he desperately clung to the purple haired man when he tried to get up, pulling him down beside him again in an embrace. A huff of a laugh left Minho's lips and his mischievous eyes narrowed over Hyunjin's pleading ones.

"You think you can get away with those words just like that? Definitely not. You will have to make it up to me." deflated and defeated, Hyunjin pouted and rubbed his nose against the elder's neck, sniffing the perfume. A giggle followed his actions as Minho tried to pull away from his grasp, which brought an evil smile on the younger's face.

Shifting closer, he nuzzled his nose right at the base of Minho's ear, ignoring the breathy squeal from the elder.

"Hwang Hyunjin, I will kick you off the bed, get away from me." the dancer threatened just as Hyunjin placed a soft kiss along his jaw. The daring weasel traced a finger across Minho's high cheekbones and turned his head towards himself, their eyes meeting. Feline eyes narrowed in challenge, his own enlarged in love. He leaned in and kissed the elder's cheek, then his perfect nose and then placed a fleeting peck on the corner of his lips. By the time he pulled away, Minho was relaxed and dazed in his arms, his eyes all soft and content.

"Forgive me, hyungie." Hyunjin whispered as cutely as he could before leaning in to connect their lips again.

3 kisses within 5 minutes.

Could you blame him though? He had been waiting for this for years, wondering how it would feel to be truly someone so important for Minho, someone he would love and hold and kiss.....

Minho pulled back with closed eyes, and buried his face against Hyunjin's chest. The younger complied, his long finger's threading through the elder's silky hair as he held him close.

"I have loved you for 3 years Hyunjin. And I knew you loved me too, why do you think I kept dropping the hints? Calling you my boyfriend, taking you out on dates... But even though you noticed the signs, you kept ignoring them. I thought maybe you weren't ready for anything, maybe you were still figuring everything out, maybe you felt different. Throughout the years, I have watched you grow and struggle with yourself. I wanted to pitch in, help you out, tell you my feelings, make it easier for ourselves, but I knew we needed to do this on your own pace. You weren't ready, you had a lot going on."

Hyunjin could feel his heart sinking to his stomach as he realized just how blind he had been. Always so caught up in his feelings, his emotions, his struggles, his problems, himself....

He never noticed just how much effort Minho was putting in for him, for them.

He remembered those late night talks about love, extra practices just to spend time with each other, calling each other loving names, trying to flirt and failing miserably at the same time.

He remembered how his members used to tease them when 'WOW' dropped, making flirty remarks, shipping them, calling them couple names...

Had he really been THAT blind to not see so many signs?

Wow, he really was the leader of baboracha.

"I kept dropping hints, you kept being oblivious and well, I got jealous a couple of times when you were with Changbin or Seungmin, hence my crappy behavior at times. I am sorry about that though, I should have been patient, should have waited for you, but you know how impatient and stupid I am." a sigh left Minho and he looked up at Hyunjin.

"But I love you, so kindly excuse my nasty actions and attempts at burying my feelings." the smile on his face was beautiful.

"Hyung, you are an angel." Hyunjin whispered, amazed by the man in front of him.

How could someone be so loving, selfless, humble, beautiful, caring and interesting?

"I am SO sorry for never picking up your hints hyung, I don't know how stupid I was being." Hyunjin groaned, thinking back on all his insecure thoughts and late night overthinkings, all the while Minho was secretly just loving him.

Love really makes you blind.

"Looking back at it now, I can see everything and yet back then.... I feel so dumb. I am sorry for hurting you so much throughout the years. If only my dumbass saw those signs, we would have been happy a long time back."

Minho laughed out loud at that, his laughter making everything a tad bit better.

"And you refuse to acknowledge yourself as the leader of paboracha. But its ok, I can be the brains of the relationship." heart skipped a beat, butterflies swarmed the stomach, blush adorned his cheeks...

"Relationship?" his dream was actually coming true?

"Yeah, I mean, if you want to be in relationship, that is. I mean I just assumed that since we feel alike for each other, we would... uhmm, well, you know.."

NEVER had he expected Minho to look nervous and timid.

Minho was everything opposite of that. Confident, poised, sharp-tongued, level headed, reliant, resilient, and dependent.

The fact that Hwang Hyunjin had the power to get him nervous and anxious over their own relationship was something the rapper had never expected would happen.

"YES. Of course I want a relationship with you. Why are you asking?" Hyunjin hit Minho's arm, feeling slightly dizzy when he saw the elder let out a relieved breathe.

Wow, he really had him on the edge, didn't he?

"Hyungie, I love you so damn much I have an entire sketchbook dedicated to you. I have been in love with you for half a decade now, don't doubt that just because I am slightly dumb."

"You aren't dumb." Minho giggled, his bunny teeth on display. "You just have a selective brain capacity."

"That's putting it nicely." Hyunjin grumbled.

Minho was full on laughing at him now, his hair all messed up by the bed tango they had, his eyes sparkly, his cheeks lifted up in that beautiful smile and his expression one of the most joyous ones.

"Stop." Hyunjin muttered, feeling completely unjust by the angel in front of him.

"Don't smile like that. You are making me fall in love all over again." he shied away from the elder male, turning to the other side as a blush spread across his cheeks and ears. There was a gasp from behind him before Minho jumped over him.

"Oh really? Why, Hyunjin-ah? How are you gonna be my boyfriend now?" his teasing soft voice was so damn adorable that Hyunjin buried his face into the pillow and tried swatting away the elder.

"Get off me." he flailed his arms poorly to get the clingy cat off his back all the while Minho kept kissing his neck and earlobe.

"Aww baby. Getting shy so quickly? Imagine when we go on a date or tell the others." gosh, Lee Minho is evil.

"Don't tease me." Hyunjin whined out, a smile was playing across his lips.

And even though he kept complaining and Minho kept teasing, they both knew that's what their relationship was built on.


Life is good now...

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