After the breathtaking taste, everything is just bitter....

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"Hyunjin, here" Seojun, one of his school friends, waved him over to the claw machine. He excitedly pointed at the machine and then looked at the idol with an obvious glint in his eyes.

Win this for me.

Hyunjin sighed. The entire day, he had been the savior of his friend's money that they were spending on the games of the fair. It was actually getting annoying for the poor boy. He wasn't hanging out with his friends, after a tiring day of 4 hours of dance practice and work schedule, for being their babysitter and game winner. He wanted to play one of the games in peace, without the pressure of winning them something. Why couldn't they win something themselves?

The same fair he had come to with Minho a couple of days ago, suddenly seemed very irking. After spending such great hours with his hyung, this experience just left him empty. It wasn't as fun with his 'friends' as it was with his hyung. Every occurrence with Minho leaves the boy feeling tedious if its experienced with someone else. Lee Minho makes everything seem second to him and Hyunjin is really not complaining.

Or atleast he is trying not to.....

"Yah! Win something yourself" He snapped, holding his head in exhaustion and looking at his other friends for help.

"Are you not well?" Namgil asked, worryingly eyeing the pale boy and cautiously wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Headache" Hyunjin replied back shortly.

He scrutinized the soft fluffy cat plushie inside the claw machine, feeling his spirit sinking. He loved that, it reminded him of Minho. Sadly, he knew he, or his friends for the matter, wouldn't be able to win it. But Minho could have. He would have emptied his entire pocket and lost all his patience just for the younger to have his wish fulfilled.

Feeling his mood sour, Hyunjin requested his friends to call it a day, excusing his behavior as exhaustion. They all understood, of course. After profusely apologizing and promising another fun day with them somewhere in the near future, Hyunjin let Namgil and Jaehyun accompany him to Minho&Maknaes dorm. They were adamant on taking him to his dorm, but it was getting kinda late so Hyunjin assured them that he can manage it. Minho or Seungmin would either take him or he will sleepover. He could also call Chan but that was the last option in his mind since he didn't wanted to bother him when the elder was already neck deep in work.

"Baby..." Hyunjin whined, leaning into Jeongin's arm the second the maknae opened the door. The poor boy was shocked to say the least, nonetheless he held Hyunjin up and dragged him inside carefully, throwing a careful smile to the elder's friends who were watching from the distance. They waved back which made Jeongin relaxed. Hyunjin's friends could be..... over-protective. Despite knowing all of them, since both of the members went to the same school, Jeongin was never too sure around them. He understood their protectiveness though. If he was a commoner with a worldwide famous but fragile friend, he would be their personal bodyguard too.

"I am exhausted....." Hyunjin moaned, nearly toppling them both over. Jeongin laughed at that and helped the taller into the closest room, which so happened to be Minho's. Hyunjin collapsed on the bed as soon as he was in distance with it, smiling up innocently at the maknae.

"What did you do, hyung?" Jeongin inquired, pulling off the dancer's shoes in case Minho walked in and started fussing about hygiene and cleanliness.

"We went to the fair, Innie. It was fun.... just not as much as when I went with Minho hyung." Hyunjin replied, staring at the ceiling with a dazed look in his eyes. He remembered how Minho had fed him cotton candy and hot dogs, how they had bought matching headbands and had a photoshoot session in that pretty photobooth.....

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