Love you babe....

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"HYUNG....." Hyunjin yelled, barging into the dance practice room. Jisung, who was sprawled across the couch, jumped in fear and dropped his phone on the ground while Minho, who was in the middle of dancing to God's Menu near about tripped over his own feet.

The dramatic weasel, however, was not affected by the ruckus he had caused and went straight to the dancer, hugging him with such force that they both stumbled back a couple of steps. He nuzzled his face into the elder's neck, holding on to his hoodie tightly.

"Thank you so much hyungie." He mumbled, feeling such strong emotions in himself over Minho's actions. The attacked victim was stunned, but he finally realized the reason for the younger's affection and patted his head with a chuckle.

"Its fine, Jinnie. Its just a plushie."

"Yeah, but you made it special...." Hyunjin looked into the elder's soft eyes, falling way harder than he meant to.

He had woken up with Changbin's cuddle attack and had been informed that Minho, who had come over to pick up Jisung and Chan, had left him a gift. It was the white cat plushie Hyunjin had been whining about that day. The fact that not only Minho made an effort of going to the fair again and wasted his money but he also bought the exact same plushie Hyunjin had been craving for, made Hyunjin want to fly to the moon.

Minho laughed at the younger's actions. He was way too easy to impress.

"Its okay baby. Its not a big deal. If a plushie makes you happy, then you should have all the plushies in the world" Minho smiled before he untangled himself from Hyunjin and walked away to turn off the music, leaving the warm-hearted and blushing weasel to himself.

The poor boy was having an existential crisis over the beauty and brains of Lee Minho. How do you expect him to not fall in love with the dancer? Its impossible. With a sigh, Hyunjin turned to Jisung who was quietly fussing over his phone.

"Changbin wants you in the studio Ji." He passed on the message his hyung had given to him when they had arrived at the JYPE building.

"Ahh ok.." Jisung pouted, waddling over to the taller and hugging him tightly which made both the dancers laugh.

"You act as if you both don't live together in one dorm" Minho giggled teasingly, making the squirrel huff.

"This brainless human doesn't spends time with me anymore..." He complained, looking up at Hyunjin with puppy eyes.

"Sorry HanJi" Hyunjin laughed uncontrollably, ruffling the boy's hair. That was a reassuring action to both of them, a promise to hang out often.

"Ji, you will catch a ride with Changbin, Hyunjin and Chan, right? Because I am leaving in a few." Minho asked, picking up his water bottle for a few sips.

"Yeah sure, hyung." Jisung answered, picking up his bag and phone and getting ready to leave to the studio lest Changbin blew his lid for being late. He looked at Hyunjin, expecting the taller to follow him but Hyunjin was just starting to realize the stupidity of his actions.

He had come with Changbin but he neither had any reason to stay at the building, nor did he had any wish to sit in the studio with 3Racha brainstorming on songs.

"Can I just leave with you, hyung?" Hyunjin readily played his puppy-eyed move. Jisung laughed behind him, knowing full well that the dramatic boy would get to leave with the elder anyways, whether Minho liked it or not.

"Again? Aren't you too in love with me Hyunjinnie?" Minho questioned, packing up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

Neither Minho nor Jisung caught the blush on Hyunjin's cheeks, though, which was a relief to the boy. He pasted on a huge pleading smile and wrapped his arm around Minho's shoulder.

"I don't have any work here and I wanna meet the others." He automatically excused his behavior with a sly smile that didn't went unnoticed by the two soulmates.

"Sure... Like you didn't meet them just two days ago" Minho sarcastically smiled, switching off the air conditioner and starting to walk towards the door. Jisung and Hyunjin followed him out like the obedient puppies they are. While Jisung waved his goodbyes at the 3rd floor, Minho and Hyunjin continued descending the floors of the building. The second the elevator opened, Hyunjin was spinning around in the basement. Minho laughed at the boy's excitement.

"You act like such a child at times Jin."

"Yeah, but you love it" Hyunjin smiled, his eyes turning into crescents and his cheeks lifting in that adorable way that makes Minho want to squish them. He blushed at his own thoughts and started dragging the hyper boy to his car.

The car ride was filled with loud vocals that Hyunjin was howling out. By the time they pulled up to Minho's dorm, the dancer was convinced that his eardrums had ben shred to pieces. Still, he made no comments on the younger's loud, albeit sweet, voice because it warmed his heart to see him so happy and joyous. It was not everyday that Hwang Hyunjin behaved like his real self. Ever since his hiatus, the boy had been cautious and way too closed off for Minho's liking. It was no secret that Minho missed the carefree and jolly boy at times, but he was comforted with the fact that at least Hyunjin behaved free around him.

"Hyung, do you know fans ship our characters of SKZ family?" The sudden question shocked the poor dancer who nearly crashed his car into a truck while reversing it.

"What?" He glanced at the younger who was scrolling through his phone.

"You know, us sister-in-laws? They joke about us leaving Jisung and Seungmin and getting together as revenge." He chuckled at the absurd situation. Leave it to the fans to make everything chaotic.

"Well that is a good plot twist." Minho admitted with a sly smile.

"It is, right?" Hyunjin exclaimed "Two cheating wives leaving their equally cheating husbands for each other. Wow. That's so gay"

Minho laughed out loud at his dongsaeng's words. He just couldn't kill the smile that always lights up his face whenever he was around the younger. No words could describe just how much he loves and treasures Hwang Hyunjin. People claim his humor is attractive? For Lee Minho, Hyunjin's humor was as immaculate as his existence.

He doubled over giggling when the younger flipped his hair like a female and clung to his arm, speaking in high-pitched voice to imitate his SKZ Family character, which Minho was sure had no squeaky voice but he refrained from pointing it out.

"Our husbands are ass, why don't we get together instead." He fluttered his eyelashes fakely and Minho had to lean on the elevator to stop himself from collapsing on the floor in his giggling episode.

"Sure baby" He wheezed out, holding the taller by his waist.

Hyunjin's eyes lit up at the nickname and he played his last move, with most flirtatious smile he could muster.

"Aww baby, I love you" He dramatically kissed the elder's cheek which sent Minho into another fit of laughter. His giggles gave Hyunjin such a serotonin boost. He loved Minho's laugh. It lit up his entire face, his cheeks got flushed and his eyes sparkled like a thousand galaxies. Not to mention the sound was just so damn adorable and mesmerizing, it made Hyunjin fall for Minho all over again.

"Love you too babe" Minho answered back, the smile still intact on his pretty lips as he rung the doorbell. Hyunjin felt his heartbeat rise at the words and he stared at the elder so affectionately it made Minho's heart jump.

And that was how poor Seungmin found them when he opened the door, wrapped up loosely in each other's arms, and staring at each other as if they are their whole world.

The neglected puppy rolled his eyes skyward, silently judging the two lovebirds.

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