As I made a loss, it ends in disappointment

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He was so damn jealous

He near about threw his phone, burning with jealousy and desire as he watched Minho and Jisung sitting and chattering together. Giggles and laughter erupted every other second as the two besties practically glowed with excitement and secrecy.

It was starting to get on Hyunjin's last nerves, especially since Jisung now knew how he felt towards Minho, don't ask how though, the squirrel was too smart and too dumb for Hyunjin's brain to figure out. He also knew how insecure and hesitant Hyunjin was towards his feelings, and yet he was being an insufferable ass by fake flirting with Minho the entire day to rile Hyunjin up.

"You are being stupid by not confessing."

He had said, after finding out about Hyunjin's crush.

"If you don't confess, he might move onto someone else. You know that guy from Rolling Stone's staff management gave him his number, right?"

He knew.

He had seen the way that young staff had been staring at Minho the entire time they were being interviewed, and despite being exhausted out of his mind, Minho had actually talked with the guy when he had come over to flirt with him. It had driven Hyunjin out of his mind.

He had received a glare when he had tried to talk with the elder, concerned about his health, but the guy received a blinding smile and his number? Injustice.

It was a never ending saga now, ever since a couple of weeks after their moment in the MBC building, Minho had been pulling away, giving Hyunjin short and clipped answers whenever he tried to talk with him and mostly spending time with Jisung.

Hyunji scoffed.


But he wasn't going to give up.

So he got up and made his way over to the still laughing pair, sitting beside Minho to gain his attention. An immediate frown took over the elder's handsome features when he noticed Hyunjin while Jisung smile amusingly.

Oh how he was dying to wipe that smug smile off the hamster's face.

"What are you watching?" the younger tried to peek in Minho's phone, which was the sole cause of the two soulmates' obnoxious laughter this entire time, but the elder hurriedly locked it.

"Why do you wanna know?" his normally soft voice was high, panicked and harsh as he shielded his phone behind his thighs.

"Just like that..." Hyunjin trailed off, confused by Minho's behavior.

What was his problem?

Without another word, the purple haired man bolted up and wandered away to Felix, whose face lit up when he caught sight of Minho. The blonde enthusiastically beckoned him forward and was all up on him as soon as he sat down.

"Look what I found, hyungie." his excited squeak was panned out through Hyunjin's mind as he spun around to face Jisung with a murderous expression.

"What?" that little brat had the audacity to smirk.

"You know what." Hyunjin bit out spitefully, his blood boiling at the look on Jisung's face. It was a look that said the squirrel knew something he didn't.

"Not my fault he likes my company. I already told you to make a move lest he gets fed up of your stupidity and decides to move on." the culprit to Hyunjin's fueling anger shrugged nonchalantly.

"What the hell do you mean by 'move on'?" the taller leaned forward menacingly, very much disturbed by what Jisung was sprouting off. He was talking as if Hyunjin was some small innocent kid who had no idea what was happening around him.

"Oh God, you are such a kid who has no idea what is happening around him." ok, that really damaged Hyunjin's ego.

"Look, all I will say is that maybe you ought to open your eyes wider and pay attention a lil more." 

How frustrating can your best friend be?

"Yah, Han Jisung!" Hyunjin yelled as the rapper sauntered away from the couch.

"Hey Lixie, I am hungry. Let's go get some food?" and with that, the squirrel had already dragged away the blonde boy who was flailing poorly to glance back at Minho. Jisung threw a meaningful look over his shoulder as the door shut behind him.

Silence fell on the two boys sitting in the deserted room.

It was kinda suffocating, they had never been awkward before.

"Hyung?" Hyunjin tried again in hopes of getting a proper answer and was disappointed to see the cold look on Minho's face.

Had he hurt the elder somehow?

There was a beat of silence again before Minho got up and started walking towards to the door. Panic seized Hyunjin, who scrambled up and rushed after the elder.

"Hyung wait, where are you going?"

"To get food with the twins." damn that short and clipped voice again.

"Let me join you."


"What?" Hyunjin stilled, feeling his heart crumble to pieces at Minho's answer.

"I said no, I don't want to eat with you."

"Oh really?" the poor boy flinched at his own voice. It was harsh and scratchy, bubbling with anger and desperation. He wanted to calm down but the jealousy and insecurity was creeping up on him.

"Of course, go ahead. You only like them anyways." those bitter words fell before he could even process his thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Minho spun back around with fiery eyes, his lips pressed into a thin line and his jaw clenched.

"I mean you only like Jisung and Felix, right? The sunshine twins you are so soft on, the ones who can get away with everything, while me? I am just a liability. The member you always tease, the one who is scared of you, the one who always receives the threat. I am the one who is the 'prey', they are the ones who you like, right? Damn, the favoritism. The entire fandom knows how we are, the fighting duo, and how you behave with the others. You let those two get away with everything, while I get the burn of your words." 

He hadn't meant to say it.

He had never meant to say it.

The way Minho's eyes flashed with hurt haunted him right from the moment he opened his stupid mouth.

Damn the jealousy, damn the feelings....

The regret hit him like a truck as he watched the fight leave Minho's body, a dejected pained expression falling across his handsome face.

What had gotten into him? Why did he say all that, knowing full well how wounded Minho feels when someone implies that he shows favoritism? It was a painful anguish that would take over the elder whenever he felt like he was being biased, even though he did try his level best to not be.

The team knew how Minho felt towards those claims. He wasn't fond of the fact that people kept preaching that he was only soft towards certain members.

And Hyunjin had gone and hurt him straight where he was wounded.

He felt ashamed.

He felt disappointed.

And most importantly, he felt rejected when Minho ignored his whispered apologies and walked out of the room with that stony expression on.

He had messed up.

It was over.

All that jealousy and insecurity after watching those numerous videos of Minsung, all that frustration over his failure of the notepad, and all that attempts of burying his feelings came to bite him on his own ass as he watched the love of his life walk away from him.

Some kind of way - HyunhoWhere stories live. Discover now