With a few childish words, your expression as cold as ice disappears....

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"Say aaahh...." Hyunjin held up the spoon, with a brazen grin on his face and mischief in his eyes. His teasing aura elicited a huff from the elder, who was sitting in front of him, waiting to be fed. He kept holding the spoon in front of him, as he stared at Minho, who started giggling after a few seconds.

It was moments like these that made Hyunjin just fall for him harder. With just a few childish words or antics, Lee Minho's cold aura disappears into what he truly is. It didn't take a lot to woo or impress him, Minho was a simple man with no complications except his uncanny personality.

"Here..." Hyunjin laughed too, feeding his hyung with a warm heart.

After successfully calming Minho down, Hyunjin had offered to order food for themselves so as to not die from hunger, because it was an unspoken fact that neither would Minho want to leave right away after his sudden anxiety attack, nor were they in any shape to leave the practice hanging.

So being the responsible dongsaeng that he is, Hyunjin ordered a bulk of dinner and insisted on paying for once. After a futile battle, Minho let him pay and just laid down on the floor with his head on Hyunjin's lap, seemingly defeated and exhausted after his abrupt predicament.

That action had honestly set Hyunjin's heart on fire. Grabbing the opportunity, he had started running his hand through Minho's hair, knowing it soothed down the elder's nerves or anxiety and made him relaxed. He watched how Minho sighed pleasantly and closed his eyes, his tensed body going lax, his veins not as prominent. A peaceful look spread across his angelic face. He looked so relaxed and eased up as if all the burden from his shoulder had vanished. It warmed Hyunjin's heart to see him at peace. It had been days since he had last seen Minho look so alive even while at rest.

His eyes definitely had bags under them, his chubby cheeks were sunken a little bit, his arms were not as buff as before which meant he had lost weight, but at the same time, he looked better than he had the entire week.

Unconsciously, Hyunjin caressed Minho's cheeks which enabled the elder to open his eyes. Their gazes met, and for a long time, they held it firm. Neither of them looked away, even though Hyunjin's heart was racing and his stomach were full of butterflies. He stared back at the angelic devil under him, his doe eyes sparkly and playful with a hint of determination in them. That determination fueled Hyunjin's resolve, who leaned forward slightly and purposefully smirked.

"I don't remember you ever holding my eye contact, hyung." He teased, referring to those days during their debut times when Minho would not meet his eyes in the excuse of him being too handsome. It was such bullshit, because if anyone was too handsome it was Minho himself, but Hyunjin never complained, did he?

"I don't remember you ever being this bold, Hyun." Minho smirked back, sneakily brushing Hyunjin's long hair away from shadowing his face.

"Well, I don't remember us being this close before either." Hyunjin whispered, feeling the tension arousing in the room and the space between them both suddenly being a little too less.

"Bullshit, we have been closer than this before. Have you forgotten us almost kissing because you have no awareness of your surroundings?" And the ball was suddenly in Minho's court as Hyunjin felt his bravery subside causing his heart to beat around wildly.

There was something so dominating, so powerful about Lee Minho that could always get him to win any gamble. The way he so effortlessly held someone's gaze and made them feel things all with just his eyes, the way his lips would quirk slightly in amusement and the way his eyebrows lifted in attitude....

The magical moment, in which Hyunjin was sure something wild would have happened, was broken by two loud knocks on the practice room door. Hyunjin startled and jerked away from the devil and looked around wide-eyed. The door opened to reveal one of their management staff member, carrying some plastic bags. Hyunjin tried to push off the elder to get up and greet the staff but Minho was adamantly glued to his lap, which compelled Hyunjin to glare at him and shove him off. Ignoring the whines, he stood up and bowed to the staff who quickly bowed back.

"Ummm I think its your food delivery" he handed over the plastic bags, which Hyunjin gladly took and thanked him profusely for. The younger rummaged through the bag for a quick confirmation and when satisfied, smiled at the male in reassurance. The staff bowed once again and excused himself out while Hyunjin bounced over to the sulky dancer and plopped down on the ground with the food.

"C'mon hyung, let's eat." He murmured, busy opening the food packets which made him unconsciously ignore how preciously Minho was staring at him, with stars in his eyes. The elder was in awe at the younger's beauty and personality. The way he never got bored or fed up with Minho's antics and weird actions, the way he always took care of him as best as he could, the way he never left his side when he needed someone....

Hwang Hyunjin came in his life to stay and Minho wouldn't have it any other way.


"Be careful on your way back home, hyung" Hyunjin leaned against his dorm door, lecturing the elder on being cautious.

"Quit acting so mature, Hwang. We both know YOU are the one to get lost or get ambushed on walks, not me." Minho sassed back, pushing the boy inside of his dorm and preparing to leave. He had spent way too much time with Hyunjin and dare he say, his feelings were getting a little out of hand, but before he could do so, he heard a shriek from inside the dorm that startled him out of his skin. He spun around and found Hyunjin still against the door, though he looked spooked as well, and then suddenly a black whirlwind took him by surprise, making him tumble back and grunt in faux annoyance.

"Uffff you are heavy, Seo Changbin." He tried in vain to push off the muscular rapper, who was wrapped around his torso like a koala and giggling. He could see Hyunjin laughing by the door, and Jisung walking over but most of his surrounding senses were blocked off by Changbin's presence. He sighed and rolled his eyes skyward, completely giving up, knowing that Changbin was not going to let him go.

And sure enough, the rapper looked up at him with pleading puppy eyes and Minho's annoyed facade disappeared.

"Stay for a bit, hyungie." He said in a cutesy voice that had Hyunjin doubling over with laughter and Jisung holding his breath in anticipation.

"Ok, fine." Minho quickly looked away from the chubby barefaced cute human in front of him to avoid melting and whipped out his phone to text Seungmin that he will be late than usual.

It was only 9:07 p.m.

He could make it home by 11 after spending some time with the rappers.

Cheers exploded from both Changbin and Jisung while Hyunjin watched in amusement as a beautiful smile spread across Minho's lips at their excitement.

This man tries too hard to be cold...

He shook his head and ushered them all inside before their neighbors got spooked by the clownery going on in the hallways.

The moment they all stepped into the living room, Chan walked out of his room with wet hair and bare chest, abs full on display. His face morphed into surprise and then joy when he noticed Minho between the rappers and he bounded over to wrap the dancer in a big tight hug which elicited screams of protest from the younger.

Minho whined and pleaded to the rappers to save him from the cuddle attacker but all of his pleas were ignored as the younger ones found mirth in his sufferings.

All in all, it was a normal day in SKZ dorm and Minho knew he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

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