Melts in a flash, I can't pull myself together...

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"NO..... OMO NO..... MY HEALTH...."


The entire dorm was in chaos.

The younger ones were playing some video games Minho had never heard the name of, while the dancer himself was cutting up the brownies in smaller pieces. As soon as he was done, he plated the brownies and crepe cakes in 5 plates with forks along with some milk. Felix and Jeongin both hated regular milk, so Minho had some banana milk for them.

Being the responsible hyung that he is, the dancer placed the snacks in front of the boys with a quiet warning of being careful with the food and not shouting too much, before picking up his share of cake and moving towards his room. However, he hadn't even moved a step before Hyunjin grabbed his wrist.

"Feed me, hyungie." He smiled up at Minho, eyes crinkling in crescents making the elder's heart warm in adoration. He would die rather than admit it, but Hwang Hyunjin is one of the very few people Minho absolutely cherishes. There is just something so endearing about the younger that makes Minho wanna protect him from the world.

"Yah, do I look like your servant?" As mentioned already, Minho would rather die than give into his cuteness.

"No, you look like my hyung." Was the sweet sugarcoated reply he received in return.

With a sigh, Minho sat on the couch beside Hyunjin, putting his plate away on the coffee table and picking up the fork to feed him.

Hyunjin secretly smiled, liking the way his hyung melts so fast for him.
As the game carried on, Minho and Hyunjin finished both the plates of delight within themselves. Minho also made sure that the maknaes had their share of dessert properly, before telling them to quit playing.

A stream of protest followed him to the kitchen as he placed the dirty utensils in the sink, but the eldest was adamant .

'Y'all had 3 hours of playtime, that's your limit. No more video games." Hyunjin was impressed with how disciplined Minho was with the younger ones. At the end, it was decided that they will watch a kdrama while Minho cooks dinner.

Hyunjin quickly whipped out his phone to text Jisung.

- I will have dinner with others. Don't get food for me.

                                                                                               Minho hyung is cooking??-

- Yesss!! Kimchi fried rice and jjajangmyeon hehe

                                                                                                                       Awww man!!-

Hyunjin laughed at Jisung obvious jealousy.

"Yah, we are out of spring onions and meat" Felix pouted at Minho, who looked deadpanned.

"Who will go out to get them?" Everyone looked at each other, none willing to back down.

"I can't believe our immaturity" Minho sighed in disappointment. "Let's do rock, paper and scissors."

After a crucial match, Seungmin and Felix lost. Dragging their feet out of the door, the duo left the dorm with masks and jackets on, making sure to take their wallets. Jeongin offered to help with the dinner after taking a shower, to which Minho replied with, 

"Don't take long, you will get sick." Chuckling, Jeongin made a sarcastic remark about Minho being so motherly, prompting the elder to pick up the ladle threateningly. Hyunjin just stayed back, enjoying the drama he had missed.


"Be careful straining it, we don't want you messing up the noodles." That was Minho's way of warning Hyunjin to be cautious with himself. The younger quietly chuckled at his hyung's approach. Never, in his entire 22 yrs of life, has Hyunjin ever experienced Minho being straight-forwardly open with his affection. That kind of love language doesn't exists in Lee Minho's life.

"Yes hyung, of course. Don't wanna ruin noodles now, do we?" Hyunjin teased back.

"I mean, we need the dinner, right? And obviously, we can't have you injured either..." Minho tailed off, taking the younger's bait at the railing. Hyunjin giggled at his hyung's clueless nature.

The duo worked in a quiet harmony, prepping up the noodles and getting the sauce ready. Jeongin soon joined them and by the time Felix and Seungmin returned, the dinner was mostly ready. Minho took charge of grilling the sirloin meat they had brought, while the remaining four set up the table.

It was a dinner Hyunjin had dearly missed the last few days. The chatter of the conversations, the joy filling up with the food, the laughter.... Hyunjin had really missed his younger members. He watched how Minho smiled at the younger ones gossiping about fans on Instagram and he felt a shy smile spread across his own lips at how handsome and adorable his hyung looked at that moment.


"Please hyung..... PLEASE" Hyunjin begged, rolling over the other dancer with desperate pout and whines. Minho rolled his eyes at his childish dongsaeng's behavior, nevertheless feeling happy that the younger was yearning to spend some time with him. It had been quite some time, a couple of weeks at most, since the duo had hung out together. Which is why Hyunjin was pleading the elder to get out of his comfort zone, i.e. his bed, and go to the local fair at the field down the block from their dorm.

"This is the worst idea of yours yet Jin, and trust me, you have had a lot of those" Minho replied, pulling at the blanket, which was sadly stuck beneath the weasel.

"WHY??? Come on hyung, your social meter is melting, your body is gaining fat and you are growing a sloth each second you waste in your bed on a weekend." Hyunjin exclaimed dramatically, hoping it will scare the grumpy lazy cat. He, however, got a scoff in return.

"I am pretty sure a power nap will not make me a sloth, Hyunjinnie. Why don't you try it too? Sleep gives you an euphoric feeling" Minho sassed back, just as dramatically, widening his eyes for effects.

"Noooooo....." Hyunjin fell silent when Minho pushed him off him, right beside him on the bed and pulled the blanket over them both.

"Now, be a good boy and sleep" The smile he got from his hyung made his heart melt. His cheeks flushed red and he quickly turned away from the elder, who chuckled in return and wrapped an arm around the younger to settle down comfortably.

"Fine" the weasel hmphed "But we need to get food and hang out later on"

Minho opened his mouth to protest, already having a long list of why that would be a bad idea, but Hyunjin's sparkly hopeful eyes stopped him. The boy looked at him so preciously that he didn't had the heart to reject his offer for being lazy.

"As you wish baby" He answered, quickly closing his eyes to ignore his racing heart and embarrassed feeling.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, straight up malfunctioned. It was pretty normal for SKZ members, especially Jisung, Minho, Hyunjin and Felix to call each other 'baby' but still, Minho calling him that just fucked up the lovesick boy's heart. He also couldn't hide his smile over how quickly his hyung melts over his wishes.....

Oh Lee Minho is a menace for his heart....

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