Chapter 6

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Hyakushiki's pov;
I've spent three hours looking throught this journal, and I finally found something. I was reading what's on my phone, before I tell the others. I look back to the guards and Inmates talking to each other, as the inmates waited patiently for the Otogi's. "I found something." I said.

The guards and Inmates quiet down and looked at me. "What did you find ma'am?" Seitarou asked.

"It's when the apocalypse began." I said.

"What does it say, ma'am?" Kenshirou asked.

I look back at my phone. "October 25, The day the walkers showed up at our school was something, I never expected. Me, B/n, and Y/n were completing our first week at our new school in Japan. Me and my family moved from our home country, Hc/n, because our parents got this huge job offer at a lab In Japan and they took it, because the labs offered a lot of money. I guess raising three kids and owning a house takes a lot of money. Me and B/n were outside for gym class when this all happened, B/n had to go inside for the bathroom, while me and our other classmates were taking a break from a two mile run.. Me and my new friend Sam were talking, since he knew N/l. The announcer speakers turned on, and the person that was speaking sounded worried or in a panic. I remember hearing the screams of pain or fear in the background, before the speakers cut off. I was so confused, because I didn't understand what's going on since I didn't understand Japanese. I only knew my native language. I noticed my classmates freaking out from the announcement, I was starting to get scared from my classmates reaction. The painful screams of students, and teachers echoing through the school building alarmed us all. Some of the students, and our gym teacher ran inside the school building to see what's going on. I turned to Sam so he can tell me, what's going on.. But he looks different, his skin turned really pale and he smelt terrible like a rotting decay body. I called out to him and when he turned to me, his dark brown eyes were turning to a glazed white color like he was going blind or something. I remember him asking me in pain, what's happening to him and why he felt so sick and in pain. I tried to help him, but I was attacked to the ground by him, I screamed and held him back when he tried to bite me. Luckily my brothers came through in time and helped me, Y/n pulled Sam off of me and locked him inside of a tool shed. I was so relieved to see some students leaving the school, when me and my siblings got the hell out of there... When me and my siblings got home safely, me and B/n went through out the house to lock the doors and windows then cover the windows, while Y/n checked the news to see what the hell's going on. When me and B/n came into the living room, the president of Japan was on the news telling everyone that he did an emergency alert across Japan. He told everyone in the city to stay within our homes or work building until the military has arrived, he warned us not to drink the tap water from our sinks. My gut was telling me not to trust his words, but I kept my mouth shut and kept it to myself. I hope this ends soon on what's going on out there..Y/n thought it would be best to pack our supplies in case we had to leave. I just hope my parents are okay, including my home country with my friends and family there. That whole night, I was in the living room with Y/n, we both couldn't sleep. We were too freaked out, but Y/n was able to help me calm down and help me fall asleep for the night.".

"My god, they were just kids in high school." An inmate said.

"That poor girl had to watch her friend turn into a walker." Kiji said.

"I know," I said, I got out of the  translation on my phone and took another picture of a different paragraph below it. It took two minutes to load but the translation finally appeared. "Hey, this translation is about the next following day."

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now