Chapter 21

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Y/n's pov;
A couple of days have past since I appeared at Nanba. So far, I've been healing quite well, and been feeling a lot better. I'm still not a big fan of Nanba just yet, but Aria, B/n, Hitoshi, Navarin, and the kids like it here so far, so I'm learning to deal with it for them. The Nanba staff and Inmates seem nice In their own way, but also weird. A guard named Seitarou, gave me some baggy sweatpants and a button up shirt yesterday so I can be in comfortable clothing. Me, my sons, my siblings, and others are outside in the courtyard of Nanba, some of the inmates and B/n are playing tag with the little kids. Aria told me she's been re- practicing her archery again plus walking and running without crutches since the accident she went through. I was sitting on the bench watching them and holding onto Lb/n1's shark while him, the other kids, my little brother, and the inmates play. It's nice to see the kids being kids again. In the corner of my eye, I see Aria, and an inmate named Jyugo talking to each other. B/n told me that Jyugo, Nico, and Upa are a year younger then them, so its nice they have people around their age to hang out with. B/n admitted to me that Jyugo has a crush on Aria while Aria has a crush on him and they still haven't said anything to each other about it. I smiled at the fact that Aria actually has a crush on someone, she hasn't had a chance to be with someone she likes yet. I'm happy for them, and hopefully B/n and myself can experience that as well.


I quickly turn my head to one of my sons calling out to me, Lb/n2 was running towards me from across the court yard while holding onto something. He slammed into my legs as he tries to stop. "Easy, buddy, I'm still hurt remember." I said.

"Sorry," Lb/n2 said.

"Why were you shouting?" I asked.

Lb/n2 held up a stick with a green praying mantis on it. "Look what I found!".

"Oohh, you found a praying mantis." I said.

"Praying mantis? Why are they called a praying mantis?" He asked with curiosity.

I point at their front legs. "You see how their legs are in this position?".

"Yeah?" He asked.

"It looks like their praying all the time, and people call them praying mantis because everytime you look at one. It reminds you of praying." I said. (My grandfather told me this when I was young before he passed away, don't come at me if my information is wrong about praying mantis 😅).


"I forget Lb/n1, Lb/n2, and Nadeshiko aren't educated other than learning Japanese and learning to shoot a bow and arrow and fight with a knife." I thought to myself.



"Can I keep it?" He asked.

"The praying mantis?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said.

"I think it's best if we keep him or her in their natural habitat, Lb/n2. We don't want to interfere with their lives." I said.

"Awww... Okay." He sounded sad.

I ruffled his hair and he laughed. "I'm sorry, Lb/n2, I know you want to keep it. But you need to put the praying mantis back where you found them.".

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now