Chapter 22

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Y/n's pov;
"So what's the plan?" Samon asked, as we're enjoying the boat ride to the main lands.

"I think we should split up to cover more ground." I said.

"Who should go with who?" Kiji asked.

"Samon, you go with B/n. Kenshirou, you go with Aria, and Hajime and Kiji you two look around." I said.

"What about you?" Hajime asked.

"I'll go on my own." I said.

"Are you sure?" Kiji asked.

"I'm okay going by myself." I said.

"Bub, are you sure about this?" Aria asked me.

"I'm sure, plus they don't know how things work out there like we do." I said.

"True," B/n said.

"Aria, B/n you two be careful." I said.

"We will," They said at the same time.

"We're close to the main lands!" The captain shouted.

"Me and Hajime will take the van, but before we go separate ways." Kiji said, as he walks over to the van and opens the sliding door. He grabs a bag and unzipped it and pulled out walkie-talkies. "Everyone must take one walkie-talkie, to keep in touch.".

I reached over and grabbed one from Kiji's hand before the others grabbed one. I attached the clip of the walkie-talkie to the waistband of my pants.

"Aria, I think you should give Y/n, your guys map." Hajime said.

"Why?" Aria asked, before the translator translated to them.

"Us Nanba guards already studied your guys map, plus you and B/n are going to be with one of us. So it would be best if Y/n has it." Hajime said.

"Makes sense," She said, before she took off her bag to get the map. She unzips a small pocket of her bag and pulled out the map. "Here bub," She held it out to me.

I grabbed the map from her hand and put it inside my bag. "Thanks, sis.".

"No problem," Aria said.

I noticed the boat reaching the main lands, and parks at the docks. the platform lowers. "Okay, everyone it's safe to get off the boat, be careful out there." The captain said.

"We will!" Kiji said.

"Radio each other if we have problems." Hajime said.

"Alright," I said.

"Sounds good," Aria said.

I look Samon and Kenshirou. "Take care of my siblings for me, while I'm gone." I said.

"We won't let anything happen to them." Samon said. Kenshirou nods in agreement.

"I'll take your word for it." I said.

"You be careful too, bro." B/n said.

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