Chapter 32

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Third person pov;
After B/n has been buried into the ground and has flowers on his grave. Everyone other then Y/n slowly walked back into the building. Y/n just sat there in front of his brothers grave, and stared at the grave stone. Yamato and Hajime wrote on it after getting information from Aria like his full name, and birthday

Hyakushiki stopped and looked back at Y/n. She gave him a sad look. Kenshirou stopped as well and looked back at Hyakushiki, he walks back over to her.

"Ma'am?" Kenshirou asked.

"I worry for him and Aria." Hyakushiki said.

"I'll keep an eye on him, and I'm sure Hajime will let number 15 stay with Aria since they're a couple now." Kenshirou said.

"Thank you, and if his behavior changes more and more then we'll get him the help he needs." She said.

"I understand, ma'am. I'll stay out here as long as I need to." Kenshirou said.

"You're a good guy, Kenshirou and I appreciate your hard work." She said, before she pats his shoulder and walks back inside the building.

Kenshirou finds a chair to sit down and watch Y/n closely.

[Jumpskip to three days later]

It's been three days since B/n's death and Y/n still hasn't left his grave. Everyone in Nanba from guard to inmate has tried to get Y/n to come inside because of the cold, but no luck. Kenshirou was still sitting there in the chair.

"How Is he?".

Kenshirou looks over his shoulder and saw Kiji holding two coffee mugs filled with hot tea.

"He still hasn't moved, slept, eaten, or drunk anything." Kenshirou said. Kiji hands him a cup of tea and Kenshirou gladly accepted it.

"Should we call it in?" Kiji asked.

"I don't know," Kenshirou said.

"Kenshirou, his getting worse." Kiji said.

"I guess I sh-" Kenshirou gets interrupted by a door opening and they both looked back to Hajime walking in with two cups and two different type of alcohol in his hands, one bottle of Rum and a bottle of blue raspberry vodka.

"Hajime what on earth are you doing?" Kiji asked.

"Y/n still hasn't moved or done anything but stare at B/n's grave?" Hajime asked.

"Yeah," Kiji said.

"He needs to come inside. The temperature is getting colder and colder, his been out here for too long and he needs to eat and drink water plus get warmed up." Hajime said.

"So what are you going to do with the alcohol?" Kenshirou asked.

"I'm gonna get him drunk enough, so we can get him inside to warm up then make him eat and drink.. Hitoshi and inmate number 82 gave me the idea." Hajime said.

"You sure it's a good idea?" Kiji asked.

"If it'll give him some relief of pain from his brother, it's worth a try." Hajime said. He walks over to Y/n and sat down next to him on the ground. "Hey,".

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